Dishonored 2

Still undecided on getting this one - I really loved the original but a lot of that was because for the most part the mechanics were very accessible and much of the game was fluid and intuitive - I really can't be bothered with the second one if they've made it more clunky and more convoluted as some of the promotional videos suggest - haven't really bothered yet to check out end user gameplay video.
Don't worry, it's fine.
I don’t often find myself rage quitting games these days but mission 4 (clockwork mansion) is pushing me that way. I am trying to do low chaos and the game indicates I can do this by electrocuting Jindosh. However if I sneak into the lab he detects me no matter what I do and begins to attack. What have I done wrong? Most walkthroughs say he is on the 3rd floor, but he is right in the middle of his lab for me ready for a fight.

Its ok if he see's you and attacks, just move about using 'blink' or whatever it is till he loses you then try and drop behind him and knock him out. Then you stick him in his electric chair.
Ahhhh. I did not expect to be able to hide again. Shoddy game design that is! I expect better from Bethesda. He didn’t really see me, rather he just knew I was there. It made it look like I had to kill him.

Yeah more often than not he will spot you as its best to take out his two clockwork minions first before tackling him. Just make sure they die away from him, many a time ive blown them up and he's been nearby and gets caught in the blast!
Admittedly I don't have the patience for stealth games generally so perhaps some will staunchly defend playing the game in the way you are attempting, but I played through all of it just slaughtering all enemies that got in my way and I really, really enjoyed the game. It took nothing away from the experience for me, in fact - I think I would have enjoyed it far less if I had to play it that way...
yea ive pld dishonoured 1 - 2 and the death of the outsider and only played full chaos even played thru 2 twice.. once as corvo once as emily!! i cant be arsed with stealth :)
Admittedly I don't have the patience for stealth games generally so perhaps some will staunchly defend playing the game in the way you are attempting, but I played through all of it just slaughtering all enemies that got in my way and I really, really enjoyed the game. It took nothing away from the experience for me, in fact - I think I would have enjoyed it far less if I had to play it that way...
I just completed this on PS4 and played Stealth/Clean Hands all the way through. I really regret wasting so much time on it now though and wish I'd played as a raging psychopath instead.

I reloaded my last save several times just so I could chop the end boss to pieces/throw them off a cliff/blow them up with mines and grenades.
I'm not feeling this one. I mean the graphics are dandy and all, but I dont like the gameplay for some reason.

I wish they would go a bit more into the direction of the original bioshock instead of focusing too much on stealth idk.
I wish they would go a bit more into the direction of the original bioshock instead of focusing too much on stealth idk.

Stealth mechanics are not great in this game IMO. Much better titles to get that fix with. Just go all out psycho murderer and enjoy it. :)

Time stop, plant an upgraded stun mine in the middle of a large group of mobs, hide and watch the hilarity is fun at first but meh. Being spotted while crouching in the dark behind a crate from halfway across the map gets irritating as well.
How good is Dishonored 2? Worth getting? Does it work ok on ultra wide?

I enjoyed Dishonored 1 for a while but never finished it. This one any better?

I hear it has a lot of bugs / performance issues on pc, or are they all fixed now?
I played as Emily, I've not played #2 as Corvo yet so no stop time ability for me.

I did feel the storyline was better focused on you when playing as Emily - I read the decision to add Corvo as a player character was made late in the game.
I thought it was excellent. Played as Emily but will definitely go back to play as Corvo. Great attention to detail, wonderful gameworld.
Problem with the demo is that it's unlikely to have any of the patches of the main game so could not be representative.
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