Hitler was a vegetarian.
No ones shaming anyone, ive simply provided facts and counter arguments, if you cant deal with that, its not my problem.
As for that Honey question, you have to ask yourself why do bees make honey? Its not for us is it.... (although there is one specific type of bee that produces honey as a waste product but I cant remember which one)
"The crisis in global pollinator decline has been associated with one species above all, the western honeybee. Honeybees are artificially-bred agricultural animals similar to livestock such as pigs and cows. But this livestock can roam beyond any enclosures to disrupt local ecosystems through competition and disease.
Keeping honeybees is an extractive activity. It removes pollen and nectar from the environment, which are natural resources needed by many wild species of bee and other pollinators.
Saving the honeybee does not help wildlife. Western honeybees are a commercially managed species that can actually have negative effects on their immediate environment through the massive numbers in which they are introduced.”
lol not that its relevant but no he wasnt.
I eat guacamole on the occasion and yes, avocados are bad for the environment.
Of course if you're an environmentalist, you should be vegan https://www.alumni.ox.ac.uk/article/less-meat-better-for-environment
And whats my experience in pig farming? very little obviously, but if you've been to one pig factory farm then you've seen them all, I also don't need to physically be in a factory farm to see what occurs there, that's why we have photographic evidence.
Hitler was a vegetarian.
Yes, but if you had a high quality/posh meat dish, it would also taste amazing. If meat can taste amazing without effort, imagine if the effort was added to a meat dish....
Checking for the offside flag on that oneHe did have serious issues with gas!
Putin is a meat eater
Surely if your an environmentalist you should be eating British grown produce?
Not flying, not driving, using and owning British only products etc are all far better for the environment than being a vegan is.
I never claimed meat causes obesity.
We can all find studies that support our views:
Plant Based Diet and Its Effect on Cardiovascular Disease - PMC
Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death globally and here in the United States. Diet has a major impact on the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and subsequent cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. An unhealthy diet is the most ...www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govA plant-based diet for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes - PMC
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is rising worldwide, especially in older adults. Diet and lifestyle, particularly plant-based diets, are effective tools for type 2 diabetes prevention and management. Plant-based diets are eating patterns that ...www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
You think a study which involves 19 overweight women proves meat cures disease? Hilarious.
I'd never claim plant based diets cured anything personally because I haven't looked into it enough and im more focused on the ethics than the nutrition side.
How about James Corden? I hope he’s not veganGwyneth Paltrow, yep also Vegan.
This isn’t looking good. Every arse I’ve though of so far is Vegan.
Gwyneth Paltrow, yep also Vegan.
How about James Corden? I hope he’s not vegan
Do you think her fanny candle would smell better if she ate meat?
How about James Corden? I hope he’s not vegan