I eat guacamole on the occasion and yes, avocados are bad for the environment.
Of course if you're an environmentalist, you should be vegan https://www.alumni.ox.ac.uk/article/less-meat-better-for-environment.
My point about you eating avocados wasn't to do with environmentalism in itself or how much carbon it produces to ship it over here. My argument is on a couple of points:
As a preface - yourself and another poster in here were quick to talk about the deforestation and wildlife culling that takes place to grow soya and that the vast majority of this soya is used for animal feeds to then feed humans.
Avocados are not used in animals feeds. The vast majority is used for human consumption yet they destroy vast habitats and kill thousands of animals...
So happy to eat avocados causing mass deforestation and animal deaths whilst criticising meat eaters regarding soya?
Furthermore, avocado production is reliant on bees and a lot of those bees are honeybees as you.describe below...
"The crisis in global pollinator decline has been associated with one species above all, the western honeybee. Honeybees are artificially-bred agricultural animals similar to livestock such as pigs and cows. But this livestock can roam beyond any enclosures to disrupt local ecosystems through competition and disease.
Keeping honeybees is an extractive activity. It removes pollen and nectar from the environment, which are natural resources needed by many wild species of bee and other pollinators.
Saving the honeybee does not help wildlife. Western honeybees are a commercially managed species that can actually have negative effects on their immediate environment through the massive numbers in which they are introduced.”
So you're happy to eat avocados (and it's derivatives) but want to criticise people regarding honey?
I'm struggling not to find the hypocrisy in these points...
To the last point:
and whats my experience in pig farming? very little obviously, but if you've been to one pig factory farm then you've seen them all, I also don't need to physically be in a factory farm to see what occurs there, that's why we have photographic evidence.
I didn't ask about pig farming. I asked what experience you had of Agriculture. Agriculture extends way beyond pig farming... Normally when someone tries to narrow the focus of a question it's because they will struggle to answer the actual question so redirect it to a specific case.
So, essentially, no experience is your answer?