Which means that farm animals like cows, sheep, pigs, goats, chickens etc would be exhibited in zoos, basically Vegans want genocide of all these animals because nobody will look after a field full of cows if they aren't making money out of them.
Surely it's best to let an animal have a life for several years wandering round in a field eating & farting all day than to be none.
I can imagine my great grandkids being told "See these fields they used to be full of animals but there's none now because of Vegans".
I don't want genocide, I don't want any any animal to die. "Veganism is
a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose" But it's the lesser evil of the options Tony presented, in my opinion anyway.
It's like the moral machine test, your car brakes have failed, do you run over 1 woman and 1 boy, or 1 large woman 1 boy and 1 elderly man (taken from moralmachine.net, I'm not hating on large women). It's not that you want to run anyone over, they're both bad, it's the choice you're given.
"Surely it's best to let an animal have a life for several years wandering round in a field eating & farting all day than to be none."
The thing is the meat industry varies widely depending on the animal, I'm not sure what lasts 7 years, I couldn't find anything for breeding ewes.
Dairy cows can live for 20 years but normally have 4-6 productive years before killed. Beef cattle 18 months, and veal four to five months old.
Sheep can live for 10-12 years, but I haven't been able to find how long breeding ewes remain productive. Lamb slaughter can range from 10 weeks to 6 months.
Pigs can live 10-15 years, but breeding sows have 3 years before being sold for slaughter and replaced. Piglets are killed at 5-6 months old.
Natural chickens can live 5-10 years. Egg laying hens production declines at 72 weeks at which point they are sent for slaughter. Male chicks are macerated around 24 hours after hatching. Meat chickens get 5-7 weeks.
Meat chickens have undergone forced evolution since 1948 to be what they are now, they are probably not capable of living longs past their expected slaughter age. "The birds had lighter bones, bigger breasts, faster growth rates and smaller appetites for expensive feed.".
If you take a rough number of around 19 million chickens a week killed in the UK. With a hard stop scenario, based on 7 weeks of chickens currently being alive, that's close to 140 million chickens instead of 1 billion each year.
Why would we want to perpetuate the short life and death of billions of animals if an alterative could be found? A hard stop would never happen, I would hope most people would want a valid alternative at some point. Again I'll say I hope lab gown (not from foetus) becomes a financially cheaper and nutrition/texture/taste alternative.
As for grandkids, what if in the future they look back with sadness at what we do now.
So again, I don't want anything to die, including us, it fills me with sadness that we all will. To quote the great Private Hudson "
We're on an express elevator to hell – going down!"