Distasteful vegan TV ad

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Did it work?

Seeing as I was eating animals twice a day, at least 3 times a day if you include dairy/eggs, yes it will have an impact, not really sure what you mean by "did it work" though.

I'm not the one dictating to other people what they should do though am I?
Or throwing up muh environment as a reason knowing full well my lifestyle is 8 times more damaging than the one I'm criticising.

My dairy consumption is still a tiny fraction compared with your lifestyle. Even if I was consuming shop bought meat my life is 8 times less based on your own figures.

I've actually done things to reduce my/my family's impact on the world and I get to live my life how I choose because of it. Your trying to tell other people what to do but at the same time doing stuff knowing full well you're adding to the problem.

You're just a massive hypocrite.

Do you eat avacados or mangos or fake meat?

Ah yea seen that before, its interesting but it supports my position, not yours, you didn't read it :)

"The water, land and carbon footprint of growing and transporting such large, perishable fruit meant the environmental impact was far larger than they had expected. Once the data from all 153 vegans, vegetarians and omnivores in the study was taken into account, however, it showed that eating meat was on average worse for the environment"

For the third time, im for animal rights, not an environmentalist.

I really doubt we could add up our total emissions and environmental impact from our diets and compare the 2, that would take a ton of time and effort.
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in the states .. ours are a little better looked after .. and yes they taste better for it .. same as the beef there not injected with god knows what ... talk about the food i eat plz from the uk .. china is a lot worst than the states .. ffs they cook fish that are still alive ...

Hazard a guess at which industry uses the most antibiotics, and why would they need to use so much....
Seeing as I was eating animals twice a day, at least 3 times a day if you include dairy/eggs, yes it will have an impact, not really sure what you mean by "did it work" though.

Ah yea seen that before, its interesting but it supports my position, not yours, you didn't read it :)

"The water, land and carbon footprint of growing and transporting such large, perishable fruit meant the environmental impact was far larger than they had expected. Once the data from all 153 vegans, vegetarians and omnivores in the study was taken into account, however, it showed that eating meat was on average worse for the environment"

For the third time, im for animal rights, not an environmentalist.

I really doubt we could add up our total emissions and environmental impact from our diets and compare the 2, that would take a ton of time and effort.

People have added up the environmental costs of just about everything. The challenges we face are monumental. Some people say the challenge is insurmountable with the current level of human intellect.
Literally me in Suffolk today having a 45 minute break on the A134 with a load of pigs. Not the life Johno is preaching. Anyone who lives in Suffolk/Norfolk area will know these are everywhere around that region.

It did get me salivating a bit but luckily there was hot belly fat on a plate when I got home from work.

Do you think that's representative of UK pig farming?
Well I do live in the UK and that was with my own eyes.
I see those fields all over the place. If johno used to eat the amount of animals he says he did (3 times a day!!) he's certainly eaten more than I have in my 50 + years on the planet. Guy's a monster.
Well I do live in the UK and that was with my own eyes.

Not what I asked though is it.

If I see a chicken farm with chickens outside does that mean most chickens live outside?

I see those fields all over the place. If johno used to eat the amount of animals he says he did (3 times a day!!) he's certainly eaten more than I have in my 50 + years on the planet. Guy's a monster.

Cool, when did you go vegan?

Do you think your earlier comments of killing pigs with hammers or smashing them into the floor is representative of UK pig farming?

In factory farming yes, don't think I said hammers but have seen footage of them using blunt objects, its called "thumping" and is a legal way of killing sick or "runt" piglets.

The humane washing in this article is disgusting but its there in black and white http://www.npa-uk.org.uk/NPA_respon..._over_method_of_dispatching_sick_piglets.html

Can you imagine the outrage if a vet put down a puppy by smashing them into the floor? "specially trained by the vet to cave their head in".
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if cows werent needed for our consumption, they could just be allowed to live out thier natural lives.

They need looking after, they can't do it themselves.
What happens when Winter comes and they need to be inside?
You can't just leave them in a field and let them get on with it unless you are cruel.
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Not what I asked though is it.

If I see a chicken farm with chickens outside does that mean most chickens live outside?

Cool, when did you go vegan?

In factory farming yes, don't think I said hammers but have seen footage of them using blunt objects, its called "thumping" and is a legal way of killing sick or "runt" piglets.

The humane washing in this article is disgusting but its there in black and white http://www.npa-uk.org.uk/NPA_respon..._over_method_of_dispatching_sick_piglets.html

What are you doing about it though? You seem to want others to change what you don’t like about the world. Get out and raid a mink farm or something.
What are you doing about it though? You seem to want others to change what you don’t like about the world. Get out and raid a mink farm or something.

I've already said I do activism :confused: animal rescues is something I might get involved in the future, but that can be a bit more complex, like the rescue of beagles from MBR acres, takes planning that stuff.
I've already said I do activism :confused: animal rescues is something I might get involved in the future, but that can be a bit more complex, like the rescue of beagles from MBR acres, takes planning that stuff.
And the activists who let the minks out caused more damage than the fur farmers
I've already said I do activism :confused: animal rescues is something I might get involved in the future, but that can be a bit more complex, like the rescue of beagles from MBR acres, takes planning that stuff.

Well, you seem to have a list of pig farms. Pay those a visit.
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I killed fish by whacking them on the head. Instant and no suffering

Yea blame the people freeing animals, not the animal abusers, hilarious.
Minks decimated the local wildlife as they are more aggressive than our own natural preditors.
Just to add I don't agree with fashion using fur. But the releasing of the minks was not well thought through, like a lot of the impulse decisions made by activists.
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Minks decimated the local wildlife as they are more aggressive than our own natural preditors.
Just to add I don't agree with fashion using fur. But the releasing of the minks was not well thought through, like a lot of the impulse decisions made by activists.
Were the minks not vegan then? :mad:
Minks decimated the local wildlife as they are more aggressive than our own natural preditors.
Just to add I don't agree with fashion using fur. But the releasing of the minks was not well thought through, like a lot of the impulse decisions made by activists.

Yea I kinda agree to an extent, bit of a rock and a hard place situation. I believe that action got the disgusting business shut down though.
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