Divinity Original Sin

It's been stuck on the top of the best sellers list on steam since it released :)

Yes, but a lot of people will just buy it just because of the hype. Those who will stick with it and by dlc (I hope they make some!!) will be far less. If you think of the millions who buy the latest fps, the rpg market (especially turn based!) is a lot smaller in comparison.

Dragon Age kind of shows this. Even though DA1 was a massive seller and had a no1 spot for a long time, EA are still sticking with the DA2/3 action based combat and mundane conversation, which is a far cry from DA1. They are doing that because its makes them more money, not just because they are being irritating idiots.
Actually, playing it a bit more I am not too fond of the combat. It is pretty boring.

Boring? I'm at level 6-7, each character has 5-8 skills, there are always decisions to make. Do i charge in with my tank? Will I be in range to heal him or will he die the next round? Do I go invisible with my rogue and aim for the ranged guys or do I backstab the melee frontline to wipe them out fast? I decided to do the latter but the rogue daggers do **** damage vs. the high armoured melees.. Do I risk lightning bolt considering some of my guys are wet? I did and they're both stunned now.. Etc etc.

I honestly don't know why you find combat boring, unless you simply dislike turn based tactics.
I think i need to give this a shot

From images i was mistaken thinming its just another diablo/torchlight style game but it appears i was completely wrong after looking into it more!

My only fear is difficulty, not that its an issue as long as its not off putting for me. I love the souls series so im sure i can enjoy it

*Anyone found it at a great price? Ill have a look myself after work :)
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I honestly don't know why you find combat boring, unless you simply dislike turn based tactics.

I don't dislike turn-based tactics, far from it. But I have never been a hue fan of D&D games. I thought we had moved on tbh. It was ok 15 years ago, but it is hardly thrilling. As usual as well, Action points to move means that is massively geared towards ranged fighters.

That said, I will still play and love the game, as it is very good. I'm not gonna pretend I love the combat though. I'm sure there will be some very good battles in it, but there have been some tedious ones so far for me as well, and I'm only 3 hours in.
I don't dislike turn-based tactics, far from it. But I have never been a hue fan of D&D games. I thought we had moved on tbh. It was ok 15 years ago

I think this is the whole point though, the industry decided we should be moving on to more action based, exciting, PRESS 'A' FOR AWESOME! combat.

Turns out people are dying for something with more tactical depth and it's selling like hot cakes.
I think this is the whole point though, the industry decided we should be moving on to more action based, exciting, PRESS 'A' FOR AWESOME! combat.

Turns out people are dying for something with more tactical depth and it's selling like hot cakes.

To be honest some of the best RPG's have been turn based tactic games and I think the industry tried to move on without looking at how many people actually prefer this style over the 1 button 10 gazillion explosion combat.
I think this is the whole point though, the industry decided we should be moving on to more action based, exciting, PRESS 'A' FOR AWESOME! combat.

Turns out people are dying for something with more tactical depth and it's selling like hot cakes.

I love tactical games like this, but there are better ways to do it. Personally, I think a game needs at least one element of combat happening in real-time. DA:O had the best mix by a mile in my experience. In BG you could at least move your character around in real-time to organize them tactically and place them where you want.
So far in this, I have had two battles in particular where, for example, I have to use action points to get my mele characters close enough to do damage, letting the enemies get a few free shots in...then of course, by the time I get there I need to use up another turn healing myself and it starts again. I am sure it will get better, but the fights I have had like that were hardly fun tbh.

At the end of the day, I will still play and enjoy this game immensely I am sure, but I can't call the combat anything more than functional atm.

EDIT- WTF...I just moved a barrel a few feet and now the entire town, guards and citizens are trying to kill me!
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I think I am going to have to start again and choose no personality for my characters. Been locked out of two quests because for some reason I have to play Rock, Paper, Scissors, have lost and I have not been able to accept the quest. Seem ridiculous!
So far in this, I have had two battles in particular where, for example, I have to use action points to get my mele characters close enough to do damage, letting the enemies get a few free shots in...then of course, by the time I get there I need to use up another turn healing myself and it starts again. I am sure it will get better, but the fights I have had like that were hardly fun tbh.

At the end of the day, I will still play and enjoy this game immensely I am sure, but I can't call the combat anything more than functional atm.

Did you look at Bull Rush? Not only does it close the gap between melee and ranged, it also gives you a chance to knock down everything in your way, for a much lower AP cost than normal movement. Once in melee, you get a free opportunity hit every time your ranged enemy disengages, assuming you took the talent, which you should for all melees . I put a point in Man at arms for Bull Rush, even on my rogue, due to the mobility and utility it provides. You can also teleport one of their ranged near your melees to further decrease the natural advantages archers/casters have.

It's not the AP system that gives ranged a significant advantage, it's the strength of CC, AoE and terrain changes (good luck trying to reach those archers if one of them fronze the water in front of your char with an arrow). This however isn't a flaw, it's simply a matter of balance and considering how active the devs have been so far, I'm sure they'll make a few tweaks soon.
Actually, playing it a bit more I am not too fond of the combat. It is pretty boring.

This was my fear and why I never bought the game in the end.

Divine, Beyond or Divinity 2 was never turn based combat, so I have no idea why they decided to do it. :(

EDIT: I am very glad they're selling well though, have always been a huge fan to the series and that others are enjoying it.
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There are a load of crowd control spells to allow your melee guys to get in range - freezes, stuns and knockdowns. Some of them rely on environmental factors to kick off, but there are spells for that too, steam cloud, rain etc. If the worst comes to the worst you can actually carry barrels of oil or water around with you, or just use blood to carry an electrical current for a stun, the level of detail is stunning (sorry :) )

I think it's just takes a while to re-adjust to the combat being a bit different to what we've become used to.
Yeah, I will be working out some tactics to use when I play it later. It does take some getting used to, not just the combat but some of the other mechanics too. For example, I have no idea why my reputation has gone up or down, or what it even means for the game tbh. I just spoke to someone(just initiated dialogue, didn't choose anything) and it said that both of my characters rep had gone down 20:confused:
One of the talents has a -20 rep penalty in return for an upside (being deliberately vague here to avoid spoilering) - possibly the log shows it whenever you speak to someone for the first time?
For example, I have no idea why my reputation has gone up or down, or what it even means for the game tbh. I just spoke to someone(just initiated dialogue, didn't choose anything) and it said that both of my characters rep had gone down 20:confused:

Pretty much nearly every npc you can talk to, you are able to barter with. I think a lot of the reputation system has to do with that (better prices etc) and also quests outcomes etc.

I could be completely wrong of course :)
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