I think this kind of game and it mechanics will only appeal to a small group of gamers.
It's been stuck on the top of the best sellers list on steam since it released
I think this kind of game and it mechanics will only appeal to a small group of gamers.
It's been stuck on the top of the best sellers list on steam since it released
Actually, playing it a bit more I am not too fond of the combat. It is pretty boring.
I honestly don't know why you find combat boring, unless you simply dislike turn based tactics.
*Anyone found it at a great price? Ill have a look myself after work
I don't dislike turn-based tactics, far from it. But I have never been a hue fan of D&D games. I thought we had moved on tbh. It was ok 15 years ago
I think this is the whole point though, the industry decided we should be moving on to more action based, exciting, PRESS 'A' FOR AWESOME! combat.
Turns out people are dying for something with more tactical depth and it's selling like hot cakes.
I think this is the whole point though, the industry decided we should be moving on to more action based, exciting, PRESS 'A' FOR AWESOME! combat.
Turns out people are dying for something with more tactical depth and it's selling like hot cakes.
To be honest some of the best RPG's have been turn based tactic games and I think the industry tried to move on without looking at how many people actually prefer this style over the 1 button 10 gazillion explosion combat.
So far in this, I have had two battles in particular where, for example, I have to use action points to get my mele characters close enough to do damage, letting the enemies get a few free shots in...then of course, by the time I get there I need to use up another turn healing myself and it starts again. I am sure it will get better, but the fights I have had like that were hardly fun tbh.
At the end of the day, I will still play and enjoy this game immensely I am sure, but I can't call the combat anything more than functional atm.
Actually, playing it a bit more I am not too fond of the combat. It is pretty boring.
Check my last post above mate. A few of us have bought it from this guy on Steam, just add him on there and he'll get you sorted.
For example, I have no idea why my reputation has gone up or down, or what it even means for the game tbh. I just spoke to someone(just initiated dialogue, didn't choose anything) and it said that both of my characters rep had gone down 20