@Narj Here's a crazy suggestion to try out. I actually play on my TV and close to it, and for Cyberpunk I actually like doing either UW (3840x1620) or SUW (3840x1350), mostly the latter lately but at 85 FOV instead of the usual 100 for UW or 16:9... but here's the trick - not with black bars but compressed into the TV's 16:9 native aspect ratio so no screen space is lost. It feels frikkin fantastic in this game due to the first-person perspective (particularly the driving - esp the 'cycle), and the closest you can get on a flat screen to what the real experience should be for it - in VR. It will take a minute to adjust to it but once you experience it then there's no going back. If you have a 4K TV then move your PC there to test it out for a bit, it's worth the experience.

Sadly just finished PL and am quite disappointed with it and the direction CDPR's going. Vanilla was a flawed work of genius, but now it's bleah. A waste of 3 years, and little hope for the sequel. Guess we'll see with the new Witcher; this almost feels like it was their Mass Effect 3 moment. Gonna go back to pre-PL anyway because the Sun is borked sometimes and it's awful looking in the early hours. Hadn't really touched it in almost a year so just came back last week to finally give PL a go. Now... time to go back to touching grass I suppose.

The vids are non-RT because I was using that recently in Dogtown but it's also happening with RT (I did playthroughs both with/without RT for all AAs). In fact, even worse then, but that's a whole 'nother discussion. Tbh there's a lot more to show, and vids can be done much better to showcase everything but... I'm already over it. In the end, like I mentioned vis-a-vis performance it's mostly an academic discussion anyway and usually after 3 posts I'm already over it.[...]

Sadly just finished PL and am quite disappointed with it and the direction CDPR's going. Vanilla was a flawed work of genius, but now it's bleah. A waste of 3 years, and little hope for the sequel. Guess we'll see with the new Witcher; this almost feels like it was their Mass Effect 3 moment. Gonna go back to pre-PL anyway because the Sun is borked sometimes and it's awful looking in the early hours. Hadn't really touched it in almost a year so just came back last week to finally give PL a go. Now... time to go back to touching grass I suppose.

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