Do supermarkets give compo when staff bump into customers?

They are a shop. You are not. I think you know what to do.

"Big long belts" has me feeling some kind of way btw.

Also backwords. I feel like this is a coded CIA test and I'm so close to not failing I can taste it.
you let someone walk into you without saying/doing anything it's so difficult to make it sound reasonable.
I kinda froze up and it felt like I didn't really have a choice.

The woman she was talking to must have saw it all happening :/
I see shes going to walk straight into me, my only choice of action would be to start walking backwords.

so I do nothing and let her bump into my shoulder.
Wouldn't a better course of action be to move to one side or say something before letting her literally walk into you?

Follow up question: why do you need this explained to you?
So you saw her coming, knew she wasn't watching where she was walking and yet, despite having more than enough time to, you didn't simply step out of the way? Yeah, that's perfectly normal behaviour.
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So you saw her coming, knew she wasn't watching where she was walking and yet, despite having more than enough time to, you didn't simply step out of the way? Yeah, that's perfectly normal behaviour.
she was walking towards the left side of me, I had the end of the aisle on my right side.
If she kept walking in a straight line it would have been fine.
she never looks forward as she approaches the aisles like I expected.
She starts veering into me and by this point I have like 2 seconds to react.

I'm carrying a heavy shopping basket and now the path Infront and to the sides is blocked off.

by that point I had no choice but to move the basket out the way and let her walk into me.

Usually when someone is walking and looking over their shoulder you don't expect them to walk very far before they glance forward again do you.....

but sure its my fault apparently for being in there as a normal customer.... and walking in a predictable manner with my eyes forward
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she was walking towards the left side of me, I had the end of the aisle on my right side.
If she kept walking in a straight line it would have been fine.
she never looks forward as she approaches the aisles like I expected.
She starts veering into me and by this point I have like 2 seconds to react.

I'm carrying a heavy shopping basket and now the path Infront and to the sides is blocked off.

by that point I had no choice but to move the basket out the way and let her walk into me.

Usually when someone is walking and looking over their shoulder you don't expect them to walk very far before they glance forward again do you.....

but sure its my fault apparently for being in there as a normal customer.... and walking in a predictable manner with my eyes forward

Yeah we're gonna need a drawing mate, too confusing to judge like this.
She had blonde hair and was slim, I never looked at her after she bumped into me so didn't see her face.
probably in her 30s I guess, but coulda been in her 40s and fit.. no idea

and I wasn't going to complain anyway

Never understood the notion that dyeing your hair blonde instantly makes you attractive. Anne Widdecombe dyed her hair blonde once and..........actually, perhaps you are right.
I reckon the woman at the tills has been having an affair with the bumper woman's husband for months, and she has been trying this tactic of distracting her with feigned banter whilst she is stood at the tills, hoping she will eventually back in to some poor bloke, who she will then surreptitiously hint to that a claim could be made, leading to an instant dismissal, stress, depression, ultimate divorce. All so she can have Trevor to herself.
Maybe it's just me, but I seem to find life way less complicated than some people on here.
jesus christ dood...
all I wanted was a "yes supermarkets really give out a coupon when an order picker bumps into a customer"

I'd have thought some of the geniuses on here might work in one.
oh that reminds me, i haven't seen mr/mrs cheesefest posting a supermarket anecdote in quite some time now.

You never have to look back very far :p
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