Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

I can't beat that WRETCHED GAME! :mad:

Keep getting stuck on level 4...:(

I got 5,000 klics out of it though, so not all bad.
Originally posted by MGP
Ah now that's a proper game. If you find a good version, let me know :hopeful anticipation smiley:

On the other hand there might be some slacking on the TKC thing over the next few days. Halo 2 has to be defeated, and there's no keyboard onthe XBox. :cannon fodder smiley:

But there's nothing to stop you hitting the keyboard with your toe while you play! :hehee emoticon:
Just a quick update:

I've bugged my second computer with TKC and created a new account for it.

Slackers watch out as Crispy Pigeon Zwei ascends the ranks!

:ridiculously complex smiley that involves a maniacally gleeful aspect:
16 OcUKGilly 182,975 15,659 7,394
17 SiDeWInDeR 135,659 41,920 56,513
18 rich99million 132,539 29,609 35,450
19 rogue66700 130,581 47,381 31,107
20 TheTross 127,643 55,723 60,918

Big gap i see...
Originally posted by SiDeWInDeR
16 OcUKGilly 182,975 15,659 7,394
17 SiDeWInDeR 135,659 41,920 56,513
18 rich99million 132,539 29,609 35,450
19 rogue66700 130,581 47,381 31,107
20 TheTross 127,643 55,723 60,918

Big gap i see...

That's because of all the spa- erm, typing that Gilly insists on doing :winking and grinning inanely smiley:
Originally posted by Fillado
*fills in gap* :D

So I see:

16 OcUKGilly 182,975 15,659 7,394
17 Fillado 145,360 82,844 111,278
18 SiDeWInDeR 135,659 41,920 56,513
19 rich99million 132,539 29,609 35,450
20 rogue66700 130,581 47,381 31,107
21 TheTross 127,643 55,723 60,918 (this will have to change)

And quite a dump you had to fill that gap too :eek:

But where was the parpage, good sah?? :mad: :p :D
I thought i'd skip the parp and go straight to the stomp of 7 people :realises he should be doing this to up his keycount (nice big grin):
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Matthew1985, a quick Parp, if my finger slips towards the submit button your'e .......

STOMPED :tee hee smiley:

Time to make hay whilst the sun shines as I doubt it's going to last long :look of resignation not so smiley:
Hi there,

I'm new to the OCuk forums, but after seeing how close we are to beating the Germans with boinc seti, I just had to pause CPDN and get 100% seti crunching for the UK! Am running a p4 2.6 @ 3.0, as my stability goes after that, but when my new PSU arrives (soon I hope) I should be able to push that up quite a bit.

Anyway, just thought I'd add my 1p! Heres to beating the Germans!!
I hope you are running TKC too??? :expectant and ever so slightly forceful smiley:

Right im gonna issue a shortnotice parp to the following :
32 piggott
33 EvilTea
34 Morte
35 Gojira
36 ocuker 3
37 Caduceus^
38 ThePacifist

By my admittedly poor arithmetic, in the next five minutes or so i will be stomping you, sorry guys but onwards and upwards as they say. No doubt il get restomped soon though :unhappy smiley:
Originally posted by RobOC
Hi there,

I'm new to the OCuk forums, but after seeing how close we are to beating the Germans with boinc seti, I just had to pause CPDN and get 100% seti crunching for the UK! Am running a p4 2.6 @ 3.0, as my stability goes after that, but when my new PSU arrives (soon I hope) I should be able to push that up quite a bit.

Anyway, just thought I'd add my 1p! Heres to beating the Germans!!

Welkam to the nuthouse, please enjoy your stay :D (Nah, that sound wasn't the 6-ton doors locking...umm, honest :eek:)

Now thou must borg many other PCs for BOINC, but also engage in TKC! :big happy grin:
Originally posted by RobOC
Hi there,

I'm new to the OCuk forums, but after seeing how close we are to beating the Germans with boinc seti, I just had to pause CPDN and get 100% seti crunching for the UK! Am running a p4 2.6 @ 3.0, as my stability goes after that, but when my new PSU arrives (soon I hope) I should be able to push that up quite a bit.

Anyway, just thought I'd add my 1p! Heres to beating the Germans!!

Wel Kom to the funny farm.....
may you stay be a long one.....

glad to see your TKCing too.....:D

Quite good that the TKC exe is easily portable. Means if I go to uni and type anything big I can fire it up there too :excessive hysterical key generating laughter:...
Originally posted by RobOC
Quite good that the TKC exe is easily portable. Means if I go to uni and type anything big I can fire it up there too :excessive hysterical key generating laughter:...

Your getting hooked........:D

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