Do we want to beat the Germans or what????

(laughing out loud) the stat generator sites won't know what hit em when I get my mouse on the refresh button. I'm just waiting to pop above the Germans humph. Still, at least that generates mouse clicks so its not all bad (semicolon, dash, right bracket). :p
How come the OCUK boinc seti team is registered as international whereas the OCUK cpdn etc teams are registered as UK? Hmmm.
The SETI team was migrated from SETI Classic where there were no countries associated with teams, so it just got International by default. The other teams were created as UK.

I suppose we could ask for the SETI team to be changed to UK, but I don't see it as that important, and it could be considered as a bit of a slap in the face to our international members (yes, we do have some).
Ahh rite okidoki. Just wondered, because when browsing the teams by country (UK) OcUK didn't show up.. and when I looked at the overall team stats I realised we were listed as international. But oddly if you look at the combined project stats on boincstats it is listed as UK. Must take an average country over all the teams.

I'd like to issue an imminent PARP!! to the following:


Fillado, I don't believe you're safe either matey :p - though you're just out of reach at the moment.

To the others; you have until approximately tomorrow to dump your stash, get spamming or move over :huge gleeful, I'm-about-to-stomp-some-slackers smiley:
I'm going away for 2 days, however I will be taking my laptop with that crazy game on, and I shall play in the car - that gives me about 6hrs playing time - so look forward to a nice big dump when I get back, should send us up a place or three :big grin:
Originally posted by TheBeansprout
I'm going away for 2 days, however I will be taking my laptop with that crazy game on, and I shall play in the car - that gives me about 6hrs playing time - so look forward to a nice big dump when I get back, should send us up a place or three :big grin:

Brings a whole new meaning to clunk klick [TM TheBeansprout] every trip!
:you've got to be old to remember that advert smiley:
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Oops silly me, just stomped Casarek (but only just) and didn't parp first. Most antisocial, Sorry. :tut tut smiley:

I'd go a and slap my wrists but that would stop me hitting the keyboard, and that would never do :shaking head smiley:

Nice to see the team is up to 74th place now. Next two places shouldn't be that difficult since neither team in occupation has updated for a loooooong while.

I really need to get my finger out so to speak :grin:

I've just discovered I've been klick stomped by the Slackmeister hisself :absolutely gobsmacked smiley!:

Hmm, sound of me going away and thinking how to up my klick kount :Steam coming out of ears as brain overheats smiley:

I'll catch you yet, Slackworth!

Alan Woodford
Ooh a three way competion for ninth spot between Carasek, Matthew1985 and yours truly. Odd how I've been stomped a couple of times now, and yet no parps. Shame on you!

Still Matthew, I want cell No 9 back again :greedy smiley: So I've stomped you again!

*Disclaimer mode=on*

Let me just point out that if you get RSI from that game, it's NOT my fault!!!!

Same goes for things like not getting essays or other work done. It's YOUR choice as to what you do with your time, I'm not forcing you!

*Disclaimer mode=off*

Not a cat in hells chance any of you lot are sueing me!! Not worth the effort anyway tbh!

Just a short note (ooops - you see, made a basic mistake already, no need to make the note short now is there. In fact it is almost the opposite, some might say "foolish" to even attempt abbreviating the note. :must attempt to remember to be long-winded sheepish smile type smiley:) to say I have joint the TKC effort.

On another point I have also ressurected my home machines from their "up in the attic collecting dust in an (not-on) state" condition, and got them crunching boinc for OcUK again <- ooops I appeared to abbreviate "overclockers UK" to OcUK. This TKC thing aint as easy as it at first appears is it?

Right - off to scroll my mouse wheel somewhat.
Originally posted by doofus
Just a short note (ooops - you see, made a basic mistake already, no need to make the note short now is there. In fact it is almost the opposite, some might say "foolish" to even attempt abbreviating the note. :must attempt to remember to be long-winded sheepish smile type smiley:) to say I have joint the TKC effort.

On another point I have also ressurected my home machines from their "up in the attic collecting dust in an (not-on) state" condition, and got them crunching boinc for OcUK again <- ooops I appeared to abbreviate "overclockers UK" to OcUK. This TKC thing aint as easy as it at first appears is it?

Right - off to scroll my mouse wheel somewhat.

Nice to see another convert to the cause. You will find this worryingly addictive, and if you are really serious, playing the game linked to by Sammuel, really bumps your klicks [TM TheBeansprout].

Altough the program records your scrolls and mouse presses, it is only the keypresses that count for rank. So try and do everything the long way to boost your klicks [TM TheBeansprout] and help thrash the Germans at this (as well as seti boinc with your resurrected crunchers). You can install the leycounter on all your PCs pointed at one account, just so long as it's only you using them, perhaps worthwhile if you frequently check and tweaking them to squeeze out a bigger dump.

Wer'e in Keycounter 69th spot now :excellent smiley:
Only need another 86,000,000 Kilcks (TM The BEansprout] to get up with the Germans (assuming they stop addding to their score).

\ Goes off to warn the local hospitals to expect lots of Repetetive Starin Disorder cases. : painful smiley:
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