These are your words, unedited apart from removing the oh-so predictable Joker gif. I've bolded the points that stand out for me. You reduced your own argument.
I never stayed with my parents outside of education apart from when I was waiting to join the military, which was a matter of a few weeks. I think, as a parent, I would ask sons to pay their way but not daughters.
For me it would be absolutely nothing to do with the financial/economical side and everything to do with the principle/opportunity to develop their - what should be - budding sense of personal responsibility.
Yes. Men and women are different, and I would parent as such.
:edit: I should clarify, I'm not sure about either. I don't think I would want to with a daughter, but for I son I'm less sure.
I think it's perfectly natural and likely very common to feel more protective of women than men.
I would not like to feel that a young woman I've brought in to the world and been responsible for suddenly has to make a decision between financial sacrifice and ensuring that she has a safe roof over her head. I wouldn't feel quite the same about a man. In addition, I think women tend to feel less negative emotion about being supported, so are able to accept that support more positively, whereas men tend not to, on average. I think as a result, women are less likely to be detrimentally impacted from being given that support than men. I also don't believe women need to be taught quite the same lessons as men at every stage in their lives.