Strange straw man given I've explained my reasoning ad nauseum.
Still, I'll bite.
"Equal" is one of those words that sounds like it has meaning, but it's really highly contextual and subjective. If by this you mean "the same" then, this is a silly hypothesis on which to base any argument. Your wording, pitting "being supported" against "being equal" makes me think this is your intended meaning, which is a disappointingly simple way of looking at things given my effort in explaining my thoughts thus far. Almost no two people are "the same" however much our society might like us to pretend they are. In the context of my feelings on this, it's important to remember that men and women are fundamentally different, and so expecting default so called "equal" treatment is... I'm afraid, not based in reality.
Ref "Supported by a man", well it depends on what you mean by supported. I would expect my daughter to understand the importance of children in her future and her role in their upbringing. By this, I mean that she would understand that the optimal support for children is a traditional family unit consisting of both biological mother and father, with the former spending a good period of her time - especially with children in infancy - out of the traditional worker/employee economic category. She does this in order to focus her attention on the children, avoiding at all costs abdication of responsibility/arguably neglectful practice that is handing them over for someone else to care for, as well as to fulfil her maternal instincts. This obviously informs mate selection criteria towards those that will be able to support her and their future family.
I'm particularly proud of my achievement to free my wife from the chains of having to "go to work". She is free to focus on more important things and take risks with her own business ventures, comfortable in the knowledge that her husband is supporting them. Is this "being equal'. You tell me. Is it good? I think so.
So, instead of the boolean "supported by man or equal?", I propose the following:
Supported? Absolutely.
Equal? Yes, but not in the way you're framing it.