Do you guys know if there is anything similar to speed dating but for making friends?

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Join a club of some sort - you learn something new, you meet new people and you instantly have something in common with them.

Bingo, bango... insta-friends!

lol dvdbunny
I just wish there was an event out there that I could go to, to meet similar people like me who are just bored of their own friends and want to find new people to chill out with.

You're obviously such a great friend. Count me in!*:D

Not really, I just want to be part of this thread, so i can tell my children, and my childrens children, that I was part of yet another legendary dvdbunny thread.
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haha, I recognise this username? and if so, where from?..

i feel compelled to post on this thread although I know I shouldn't

Bingo is a definate serious shout though, unless you don't like bingo.

Hey, here's a thought...

you want to meet people who have similar interests to you? go to places which interest you, there should be loads there
In all seriousness DVDbunny, surely you must have someone who looks after you. Maybe they could introduce you to someone.

Failing that, try hanging out at your local Games workshop.

EDIT: I wonder how long before this thread gets bigger then the now playing thread.
I just can't wait for the spec me some Velcro shoes thread.

HAHA :D you just made me snort.

no but srsly.....this thread makes me sad for dvd bunny :(. I'm sure theres some nice easy things to do out there. You're probably best off asking at the library or some other key centre of all knowledge to do with the city than anywhere else.]
can anyone remind me which dvdbunny thread I currently can't remember. It wasn't that long ago, say 6 months or so and I remember enjoying it an awful lot...
I think it is in the forums best interests to help DVDbunny out, it is quite obvious that he/she is in dire need of some friends to gain some social skills, this isnt an insult dvdbunny.

I note that people that have had a hard time from an early age at school develop social problems and find it hard to make friends and act properly in social situations.

Therefore the cure for dvdbunnys postings is to find him/her friends so that the plague on this forum can end.

To make friends, just be friendly! dont be self consious of what people think or feel that people are judging you. You can make friends everywhere - join a recreational team such as football, chess club, LAN partys, bowls, drinking, killing hookers the usual places.

You will note that many people on this very forum have made friends with meet ups such as the motor meet or whatever random geeky lan party things they get up to. you wont make friends online unless you meet them, put yourself out there and go nuts.
thanks for all the advice guys, I do plan to make new friends from going out. But the question in my original post was if there is anything like speed dating for finding new friends???
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