I lived in Stafford since 1998 except for a 1 year placement in Bristol.
I like Stafford because it's well connected by rail. It's big enough to have most facilities (except for decent nightlife!) yet small enough that most of it is walkable. It has a decent new Odeon cinema, and there are talks of converting the old cinema into a music venue. 1 fairly big nightclub and 1 small one. Got the usual Weatherspoons, Yate's, Titanic, Marston's, Davenport and Greene King pubs, plus locals. Gardens and parks are well maintained and we have won Britain in Bloom a few times

The high street (what's left open ofc) is the usual slew of charity shops, gambling shops, pawnbrokers, vapes, phone repairs, cafes and banks. We do have Peccadillos though, which is a quaint arty farty gift shop, run by nice people for decades and it recently moved to where the Body Shop used to be.
I'm fairly settled in Stafford now, but if there was another timeline, I would liked to have lived in Bristol for longer. My 1 year placement was in 2000-2001 with a decent nightlife for me at age 22 at the time. Clubbing (dance music) is making a bit of a comeback in the 2020s post-COVID, with some gigs geared towards us 40-something oldies and I've been club-hopping around the midlands like Nottingham, Coventry, Leicester/Coalville and Lichfield to catch some of these events. I started a thread on Bristol not long ago and realised that it still has a buzzing nightlife, so I'm keen to go back there on city breaks.
Before 1998, I lived in a Shropshire village. It was good being a child there at the time with school mates, but then we all go to university or college, all going our separate ways. When I go back to the village to see Mum, it's a bit slow there now. So the life there is a bit slow for me now.