Mid Wales.
Been here a year.
House was 1780 but rebuilt in 1970s and has huge 1780 barn, chicken shed, garage.
Land is more than my previous close where I lived.
Peaceful, beautiful countryside.
Very remote.
No traffic, no people.
Nearest neighbour is about 1/4 mile away.
Wildlife - sheep, buzzard's, red kites, robins, foxes, owls, other animals.
River flowing literally 100m away down the hill.
Working from home mostly.
The freshest veg you'll ever know. Buying from local farmers simply by going to the farm and buying stuff picked that day.
Minimally packaged/recycled goods. Common sense stuff - wrap it in paper generally.
Lots of trees.
Very serene.
We've got mouse traps dotted around the house. Hate killing things but can't have them inside the house. Blocked up loads of holes and not seen a mouse for months.
Birds nesting in roof, bats live near so very careful to not disturb.
We are moving in and adapting, we're not expecting things to change for us so we're being considerate.
House was doer upper which we knew and accepted the challenge. A few more issues cropped up we didn't know about but hey ho.
Septic tank
Borehole - free water but pricey to get serviced and because previous owners had died, no paperwork could be found anywhere.
Well - does work and is linked in to borehole water. After a year we're still working out the plumbing because no one seems to know how it works lol.
Mice/voles/grey squirrels.
100mile commute to work.
No people lol.
Lot of issues with flooding due to being on side of hill.
Lots of trees had to be pollarded/chopped down.
Nearest shop is 7 miles away.... Lol.
Needs a lot of money spending on it. All new windows for a start - £40k quoted.
Never realised composting was a thing and all the compostable stuff we used to take the tip, we now but it into a compost bin I made out of 4 pallets in a box shape x 2.
Probably few other things but ultimately we want to live off grid so looking into solar, we've got a borehole/well, oil heating.
Ps did you know if you catch a live grey squirrel, you have to kill it? It's illegal to release it.