Sadly I don't think it is going to happen anytime soon IMHO as Crytek did that,we then had a huge performance jump with affordable cards like the 8800GT,and still many gamers moaned and also pirated the game. After that you saw less and less companies,really push the PC on the technical level like Crytek did as Crytek didn't make enough money. Outside AMD/Nvidia pushing some tech to sell new cards,its more likely consoles will be pushing technical innovations,to get around their limitations,and any big jumps in image quality are most likely going to be because of new consoles like the PS5 as the potato CPUs on the current consoles are a big problem. An example is the streaming tech we saw in Skyrim which meant a largish open world without loading screens.
Why do you think so many PC Gamers are throwing money at Star Citizen - the devs have promised a title which will only run on PC and push what it is possible which I really hope it does.Whether that happens is another thing. Most AAA titles are literally console titles but looking a bit prettier and running at higher FPS on PC. If you looked at Crysis and compared that to console games,the consoles looked utterly meh. The same with FarCry,HL2 or Unreal back in the day.
Then you have the whole early access crap on PC. ARK really pushed hardware and was not a bad looking game,but most of it was down to utterly rubbish optimisation especially with the early access fad(which is to save money for the devs). I would argue most of the really intensive PC games nowadays are usually just poorly optimised,or running on old engines,which are being strung along to save money. They don't look nearly as good as what hardware you are expected to use for them.
CB2077,might be another game which could push things,but they got 30FPS at 4K on a single GTX1080TI,and they want to run it on current consoles(sadly),so I expect they might have dialed down some detail to make it run better. The same happened with The Witcher 3,as the product we got looked worse than what was revealed earlier which was a shame. Still a pretty game,but it could have been the next Crysis.
Its also another issue,if AMD does not compete,the competition will string out improvements based on financials,as you can see what has happened under £300 with dGPUs.
Star Citizen is becoming increasingly controversial because the vast amount of money its bringing has changed its scope, massively, so its taking a lot longer than the 2 years originally promised, yet this is what its backers wanted, they voted to extend its scope and development time.
Its been more than 5 years and its going to be another 2 before it gets to a beta stage, getting the infrastructure and technology in place for a true scale 3D universe is proving extremely difficult, it is the fact that they are doing it that keeps most of its backers on side, and they can see the progress, all of the infrastructure is getting to completion and the features that depend on it are beginning to appear in the Alpha.
Visually its gorgeous, it cannot be run on lower end hardware, an i3 with an RX 550 and 8GB or RAM, forget it...... and that's how it should be if you make games that fit lower end hardware and then up scale it you don't get the fidelity, its compromised, that's not what Star Citizen backers want.
A couple of recent vids that show of its fidelity, these scenes are rendered in engine, when you play the game it looks like this.
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