Doctor Who

House: Fear me. I've killed hundreds of Time Lords.

The Doctor: Fear me. I've killed all of them

Love that line :D

Excellent line, however I think it should have been executed with more menace, it was far too jovial from the Doctor.


Did anyone pick up on the "The only water in the forest is in the river" comment? Any idea what this could mean?

After a bit of research..... Pond = Water Riversong = Water ........ something to do with a forest (poss forrest of the dead??)

Anyone else pick up on it? It was thrown into your face pretty hard!:p

Really good episode IMO, in keeping with the darkerness of this series (especially the bit where Rory "dies" and you have all the writing on the wall).
I loved that episode. i've always known that the TARDISs' soul was quirky and mental and a perfect fit for the Doctor himself.

Neil Gaiman, already an author i respect very highly, has been elevated in my esteem :D
I watched it tonight, and have watched it a few times before recently, but I just can't get it. I don't ever understand what's going on, it's like the plot is made up as it goes along! I think I must be missing something as a lot of people enjoy it, but it's just not for me it seems. I like a lot of sci fi and I tried, but I really struggle with this.

I used to think quite the same actually. My brother tried to introduce me to Doctor Who, explaining how amazing it was, but every episode we caught together was absolutely terrible.

It wasn't until I started watching from the first re-vamp season with Eccleston that I finally understood what Doctor Who is all about. If you've just jumped on the Who wagon (mid season) then it's going to be hard to wrap your head around the significance of most things and you'll miss all the 'hat tipping' to the fans.

Take todays episode; getting to see the TARDIS take human form and being able to see the doctor actually communicate to her, is mouth watering for the fans. All this time we've had hints about the TARDIS interior being bigger than the control room, so for us to be shown corridors and hear of archived control rooms from past and future... again the fans are drooling.

You won't ever have the passion if you're jumping in the middle of it, expecting to be blown away as fans are by the show. Even if you think you might be, it's nothing compared to the passion you'll have if you watch it from the start of the re-vamp.

Rent the boxset from the first Eccleston season and you'll start getting into it, especially if you're already a sci-fi fan... plus your GF will love you for it.
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I used to think quite the same actually. My brother tried to introduce me to Doctor Who, explaining how amazing it was, but every episode we caught together was absolutely terrible.

It wasn't until I started watching from the first re-vamp season with Eccleston that I finally understood what Doctor Who is all about. If you've just jumped on the Who wagon (mid season) then it's going to be hard to wrap your head around the significance of most things and you'll miss all the 'hat tipping' to the fans.

Take todays episode; getting to see the TARDIS take human form and being able to see the doctor actually communicate to her, is mouth watering for the fans. All this time we've had hints about the TARDIS interior being bigger than the control room, so for us to be shown corridors and hear of archived control rooms from past and future... again the fans are drooling.

You won't ever have the passion if you're jumping in the middle of it, expecting to be blown away as fans are by the show. Even if you think you might be, it's nothing compared to the passion you'll have if you watch it from the start of the re-vamp.

Rent the boxset from the first Eccleston season and you'll start getting into it, especially if you're already a sci-fi fan... plus your GF will love you for it.

Well said. I actually rewatched seasons one to four in the past week. So good!
Could the reference be linked to River Song?

It was pretty obviously a link to River Song and the Forest of the Dead episode where she died. Why the TARDIS mentioned it I don't know though.

As for the people who dislike most of the new episodes, are you actually Dr Who fans or just Sci Fi fans trying something new?
To be fair 90% of Doctor Who is filler. It's not exactly known as a long, story arc based show. The weeping angels were a great monster of the week, otherwise i doubt we would have saw them a second time.

Seemingly mindless adventure or monster of the week episodes, that have no apparent lasting effect are what sell shows.

I guarantee that if they switched tack and did a serious story arc that was more than two episodes in a row they would lose viewers overnight. Especially if there were no monster/adventure of the week episodes to break it up.

I must admit that I prefer the old doctor who style, where each 5 episodes formed a story,instead of the story being all done in 1 episode. Didn't feel so filler like back when they did it that way.
No way... you've got to be kidding me.

EDIT:He isn't kidding


I hate it when they do that, it makes for some very tacky stuff. It's because of stupid competitions like this, that we ended up with peter kay as a fat man monster (absozorbaloff) seriously it was designed by a nine year old and it was rubbish.

Leave it to the professional designers please...

but as i've said before Doctor Who will always be a 'kids' show in the eyes of the BBC, so it's not surprising.

I must admit that I prefer the old doctor who style, where each 5 episodes formed a story,instead of the story being all done in 1 episode. Didn't feel so filler like back when they did it that way.

I'd love that, with a series of mini arcs, it would be interesting if they went that route, but considering how much it costs to produce stuff, it would be a logistic nightmare. When they can only manage a 13 episode season, it would leave much space, 2-3 arcs at most, 4-5 episodes long each? It would be fantastic but, i again i think they would loose viewers overnight, viewers that are easily confuseed.
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I'd love that, with a series of mini arcs, it would be interesting if they went that route, but considering how much it costs to produce stuff, it would be a logistic nightmare. When they can only manage a 13 episode season, it would leave much space, 2-3 arcs at most, 4-5 episodes long each? It would be fantastic but, i again i think they would loose viewers overnight, viewers that are easily confuseed.

Thing is, thats how it used to be, sometimes with the story arcing episodes being even longer. Now surely Dr Who has a bigger budget now than it did then, admittedly the series were much longer back then but again why limit it to 13 episodes, they could just go back to the longer series style of the old ones. Surely viewers are no more easily confused now than they were back then, or have we become dumber over the years :D
Probabaly. Tv thats easy to digest wins in todays day and age.

You have to remember that they have to film, and produce them. let's say they went from 13-20 episodes, thats 7 extra episodes of filming, prop/costume design, casting calls and post production in the form of audio and sfx shots. Heck, i imagine the post production schedule for Doctor Who is rather long, just look at the amount of shots that were in the newest episode. That means stuff has to be filmed well in advance, so the cgi guys can have time to complete stuff. It's a tall order. I'd love to see it happen, but i don't think the bbc would follow the american tv model. If they did, it would probably mean a longer break between seasons.
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Probabaly. Tv thats easy to digest wins in todays day and age.

You have to remember that they have to film, and produce them. let's say they went from 13-20 episodes, thats 7 extra episodes of filming, prop/costume design, casting calls and post production in the form of audio and sfx shots. Heck, i imagine the post production schedule for Doctor Who is rather long, just look at the amount of shots that were in the newest episode. That means stuff has to be filmed well in advance, so the cgi guys can have time to complete stuff. It's a tall order. I'd love to see it happen, but i don't think the bbc would follow the american tv model. If they did, it would probably mean a longer break between seasons.


They used to do it, they managed to film and produce them before with considerably more episodes without hitting snags with filming/prop/costume/production and so forth, and without significantly longer break between the seasons, indeed the break was actually shorter. Maybe the people who work in TV today just arent as good as several decades ago. Pity though, I really did prefer the format of the older series, felt like better continuity and more story and I used to love the cliffhanging ending to each episode which made you want the next one more :)
Excellent line, however I think it should have been executed with more menace, it was far too jovial from the Doctor.

I agree, I said it before in this thread that while I really like matt smith as the doctor he just doesn’t have that ability to be really as menacing as other have been
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