Doctor Who

I agree, I said it before in this thread that while I really like matt smith as the doctor he just doesn’t have that ability to be really as menacing as other have been

i dont know what they are trying to do with drwho..
ecclestone = fariyl serious
tennant = slightly more of a joker but still could pull of a darker doctor if he needed like the episode where he punished the family
smith = even further in the direction towards making the program a CBBC show.
it wouldnt suprise me if the next doctor was this guy from the cbeebies channel

it just seems like every regeneration of the doctor is aimed at a younger and younger audience where with ecclestone and tennant it seemed more of a program the whole family could enjoy.

did everyone from the sarah jane adventures get hired to work on drwho or something? because it really feels like it to me were getting even less serious adult style episodes and more stuff for the kids...

same thing has happened to the daleks aswell, came back as one dalek is a scary mofo who could kill everyone even the dr is fairly scared, the more and more we see them the more they change into a CBBC style dalek almost kid friendly...
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As for the people who dislike most of the new episodes, are you actually Dr Who fans or just Sci Fi fans trying something new?

Dyed in the wool Who fan from the 70's, stories recently have been weak and again all far too easily wrapped up in one episode. The Doctor has potential for so much depth and development. Matt Smith is shaping up failry well, he's not scary and as such he shouldn't be written as scary, it's like casting Graham Norton as Hannibal Lecter! if they must inject some menace into an episode they had better look to Amy / Rory, River comes over quite camp and a bit too Buck Rogers and leave the Doc to wibbly wobbly weirdy time stuff.

Watching series 5 again I find myself longing for plots like the weeping angels or indeed the pandorica, those for me were everything that Doctor Who should be, worked well over two ep's and gave stories with substance room to breath.
That was, to me, possibly one of the best episodes I've seen since he took over.

Shame they cant all be that wacky and entertaining.
It isn't so much a kids show as a show that kids watch. Anyway, i don't remember this question being asked so... what's your favorite series been so far? It's got to be the one with Martha for me, but it never seems to be repeated. Hmm.
Thats funny because I thought it was more of a kids show when it was Tennant. The overwrought drama and his stupid overacting.
I'd agree with that, The last two series with Matt Smith have been a lot darker and adult than the end of Tennants reign. It's going back in the right direction IMO. Bits like the writing on the wall scene here, the silence and the writing on Amys hands, the weeping Angels and a couple of other things that are just a lot less child friendly than Tennants era. We haven't had any colourful Darleks this last series or two either IIRC, just the standard one guarding the pandorica.
A certain part of Doctor Who will always be aimed at kids, i'm sure there is a whole generation that remembers watching the older stuff as children, so why would the bbc not want to repeat that success?

I think it's a bit insulting when it gets to stupid, and forgive me but i'm quoting from an episode of another sci fi franchise..

"Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment. "

Stuff like the Slitheen, and Peter Kay that i mentioned earlier, were just...awful.

It's a family show, one that parents can sit down with their kids to watch. It's very hard to strike a balance between both audiences.

@ the colourful Daleks, i bet theres an entire toy range out now with the diferent colours... mmmm merchandise sales.

Kid: " I wan't the red one! Oh but now i've got to get the yellow one, the white one, the blue one, oh and the green one (or is it light yellow?) to have them all! Mom...Dad! I know what i want for my Birthday/Xmas pressie!.

Read the second paragrath down.

"In conversation with principal Dalek voice artist Nicholas Briggs, and Dalek operator Barnaby Edwards, he opined that the new shape of the Daleks, especially in the dorsal region, was not particularly to his liking. Briggs agreed, but, with Edwards, swiftly noted that in their experience of taking the new Daleks on live exhibition to the public, British kids universally loved the new design."
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It isn't so much a kids show as a show that kids watch. Anyway, i don't remember this question being asked so... what's your favorite series been so far? It's got to be the one with Martha for me, but it never seems to be repeated. Hmm.

Favourite series ever? or since its return?

Since its return, probably the last series with Tennant in.

Ever.. bit tougher. I think it would be a close run thing between the last Tom Baker series (1980) or one of the Pertwee series (after all thats when the Master came into it)..probably the 1972 series as that had the 3 Doctors story arc episodes which were brilliant.
are they teletubbies?

and while the show may be aimed at kids who the hell do they think has grown up watching it for the last 6 years since it made a come back? if anything the show should be growing up with the audience not going more and more cbbc, it wouldnt suprise me if this series has the worst viewing figures out of all
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I think it's a bit insulting when it gets to stupid, and forgive me but i'm quoting from an episode of another sci fi franchise..

"Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment. "

Loved that ep

Teal’c: I do not understand why everything in this script must inevitably explode

Im amazed by people saying it's a kids show now considering the papers have been complaining that it's aimed too much at adults this series.

The scene in the orphanage in the first two? Darkest Doctor Who has ever been. And the scene with Rory and Amy in the corridor's of the Tardis creeped me out.
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