Did I watch a different episode to most? That was dire weak plot this series is going down the pam, think I'll skip next week's and save myself the disappointment
pirate ship = filler rubbish
outside the universe = filler rubbish.
Surely then the episode Blink was also filler rubbish? Even though IMO it's one of the best episodes of Dr Who.
Did I watch a different episode to most? That was dire weak plot this series is going down the pam, think I'll skip next week's and save myself the disappointment
blink has a good well writting and intresting story and reinstroduced everyone to the weeping angel things that were later used again.
this episode just felt pointless and boring ... maybe if they spaced it out from the siren episode it wouldnt be to bad but 2 dodgy episodes oin a row :S
It was incoherent rubbish, but that is not surprising since Neil Gaimen wrote it.
It was incoherent rubbish, but that is not surprising since Neil Gaimen wrote it.
Pirates was a standard filler episode.
This week was an average episode.
As for best episodes, the Blink Angels were good as was the Last Dalek and Daleks vs Cyber Men, and this years Christmas special, but it has to be the 'Where's my mummy' WW2 episode from the first season. It was amazing.