Doctor Who

Yeah I like things that make sense and are ordered. It would be ok if DH was really clever about the plot, but it's not really that great anyway. I just don't think it's my thing. G/f likes it though!
Wonder why theyve never reincorperated the Doctors Daughter into another episode. Was a few seasons ago that episode from what i remember.
I would be interested to hear what the people call this episode rubbish consider to be a good doctor who episode.

The pirate episode I agree was utterly horrendous but I really can't see how you can call this one bad.
Surely then the episode Blink was also filler rubbish? Even though IMO it's one of the best episodes of Dr Who.

blink has a good well writting and intresting story and reinstroduced everyone to the weeping angel things that were later used again.

this episode just felt pointless and boring ... maybe if they spaced it out from the siren episode it wouldnt be to bad but 2 dodgy episodes oin a row :S
Did I watch a different episode to most? That was dire weak plot this series is going down the pam, think I'll skip next week's and save myself the disappointment

Agreed it was dire. 100 bonus points for the concept with the TRADIS getting a body minus 10 million for terrible application. It was incoherent rubbish, but that is not surprising since Neil Gaimen wrote it. I would have thought Moffat would have the balls to say nice concept and some good one liners, but improve the coherence of the story telling.

Finally the whole team making Dr Who should have to write out 1000 time, don't obliterate the dialogue with SX or music.
blink has a good well writting and intresting story and reinstroduced everyone to the weeping angel things that were later used again.

this episode just felt pointless and boring ... maybe if they spaced it out from the siren episode it wouldnt be to bad but 2 dodgy episodes oin a row :S

To be fair 90% of Doctor Who is filler. It's not exactly known as a long, story arc based show. The weeping angels were a great monster of the week, otherwise i doubt we would have saw them a second time.

Seemingly mindless adventure or monster of the week episodes, that have no apparent lasting effect are what sell shows.

I guarantee that if they switched tack and did a serious story arc that was more than two episodes in a row they would lose viewers overnight. Especially if there were no monster/adventure of the week episodes to break it up.
Blimey - you lot are pretty evenly divided over whether this is great or terrible.

I thought it was good - the superior writing of Gaiman certainly showed. The only things that annoyed me were the totally arbitrary appearance of the Ood and the usual, hastily-tacked-on reminder of the overarching theme.
I enjoyed it, got to see a bit more of the TARDIS... in more ways than one ;)

My main criticism would be the fact that he so readily accepted that it was a time lord contacting him despite him refuting it at almost every other opportunity.
Pirates was a standard filler episode.

This week was an average episode.

As for best episodes, the Blink Angels were good as was the Last dalek and Darleks vs Cyber Men, and this years Christmas special, but it has to be the 'Where's my mummy' WW2 episode from the first season. It was amazing.

Did anyone pick up on the "The only water in the forest is in the river" comment? Any idea what this could mean?

After a bit of research..... Pond = Water Riversong = Water ........ something to do with a forest (poss forrest of the dead??)
Pirates was a standard filler episode.

This week was an average episode.

As for best episodes, the Blink Angels were good as was the Last Dalek and Daleks vs Cyber Men, and this years Christmas special, but it has to be the 'Where's my mummy' WW2 episode from the first season. It was amazing.

'Dalek' in the first series was great, i love the exchange between the Dalek and Eccleston in the cell/vault.

Army of Ghosts/Doomsday was awful, any episode where it had Rose's family in was awful, the mother was the most irritating character in the series.

@ Vanquish, mmm that is an interesting, and possible connection. I'm kicking myself for not putting two and two together sooner, River, Pond...mmm
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