Doctor Who

Ecclestone was dark, smith alluded to having a dark past for his entire term while hamming it up with a sonic screwdriver, I'd quite like a slow smart intelligent doctor solving mysteries once again
The special should be utterly dark, and then we move on form there
Stephen Mangan tweeted this a few hours before the announcement that Matt Smith was leaving.


And since then he's posted quite a few comments saying he's NOT the new Doctor Who.

So was he bluffing or is it a double bluff or was it just a coincidence that he tweeted that?
Poll on Empire's site, someone voted for Robert Pattinson. **** me. I'd never watch it again if he was cast. I quite like the idea of Bill Nighy though.
Don't know if the world is ready for a black Doctor, but if they are Paterson Joseph would do a great Doctor, especially one that was inspired by the 'talking down the dark god' styling of Sylvester McCoy's last season and a half.

For those doubting go back down Neverwhere and witness him as the Marquis de Carabas
Id rather someone who can can do serious/angry a bit better. Perhaps explore the Doctors dark side more, Matt Smith was always a bit too light hearted to be honest.

It would make sense for the next Doctor to be a bit darker, after the current storyline with the forgotten incarnation. At least if he comes to terms what he did, maybe even seen it as a greater good sort of thing. Bill Nighy could do that well I think, or Gary Oldman, but can't see him doing it to be honest.

But, he could also go all emo, woe is me, I did a terrible deed. I am struggling to think who could do that to be honest. It would have to be someone older or at this rate the one after that will be 15 and too young to legally drive the TARDIS. Hugh Laurie? Doesn't really fit.
Shame to see matt go, he was my favourite of the new doctors. Some of Tennant's performances towards the end were cringeworthy. Scripting and storyline will prevent matt from being remembered as a great doctor
I hope there are more candidates that those who appear on that site. If there aren't, I'm going to be very disappointed come the announcement.
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