Doctor Who

I'm not sure a woman could fill the role, and older actor would be interesting though.


Yeah, but would the Beeb, go down the Jo Brand path or Michelle Keegan path??..:eek:

I favour the Kate Beckinsale, full leather look myself, maybe have her wear glasses for an episode or two to add a little intellectual overtone..;):)
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I hope it's not a woman. Not because I think the role should just be played by men (although I do think it would be difficult to justify in the story) but because if they did, they'd be doing it just so they could say they're doing it. Then everyone would spend ages making a huge fuss over it.
If Moffat remains in charge it'll be someone young, cheap and viewer friendly. Some of the actors being mentioned could demand hundreds of thousands per episode or movie in America and given how restrictive the budget is I can't see them blowing it all on a huge name.

Give it to a member of One Direction, move it over to CBBC and an earlier time slot, let them do battle with The Tweenies rather than Daleks and give Moffat the knighthood he thinks he deserves.
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It will be casted by committee so what it will end up being is the actor that people have the least amount of problems with.
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There are so many actors out there who could do an amazing job. I remember Matt Smith was introduced initially as a sort of tech savy, young / down with the kids type Doctor. I remember how he was introduced in the first episode as being able to hack mobile phones and use social media etc. Well, I'd like to see the opposite of that with a new Doctor myself. I'd love to see them dress in Victorian era clothing (the works!) and represent a much older, wiser type.

The ultimate choice imo would be Richard E Grant but that can't happen due to the fact he has obviously already been in it as some sort of crappy bad guy - totally wasted. Imagine Ian Mckellen as the Doctor! That would take things to the next level.
Benedict Cumberbatch playing some kind of mature serious "hating" doctor akin to Sherlock, but i guess he's way too Hollywood now.

I think it will be some unknown again... popular with the kids... a Woman or person of colour.
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