Doctor Who

Well this season has been... poor so far.

I can think of more descriptive words but I don't want to load up the swear filter. If it wasn't for JLC being uber cute they would have been no redeeming features on many of these episodes so far.
What a load of touchy feely poop <- replace with much stronger word.

Still, I already set my expectations at 0 after seeing the preview last week so I'm not all that bothered. Roll on the finales and some awesome Cyberman action.
I know it can be negative but I do love getting home in the wee early hours of Sunday morning and skim reading the comments about the show. It's always a question off irritating my wife and attempting to watch tonight (which ALWAYS ends with me asleep, full cup of tea besides me and earphones falling off my head) or watching tomorrow in luxury... yeah let's give it a watch now ;)
I thought that too but I've seen it in people's top episode list many times. I'll have to revisit.

Why is that your favourite Kainz?
Late reply, I've given up on this season so I hardly read this thread anymore.

Regarding The Empty Child - it was dark and rather scary. The set and time period (Britain 1941) was also unique to the new Dr.Who show. The fact that episode started off immediately with the Tardis chasing a strange object in space only for it to land in London was great, we had suspense right off the bat.

Then you've got a zombiefied like child with a gas mask walking around all alone in the dead of night. The second episode was unsettling when they introduced a doctor, who was played by that gent from One Foot in the Grave - his face morphing transformation as the gas mask blended with his face was really well done I thought.

It was just a dark, somewhat scary episode like Blink and Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit. I had hoped we would get some of these types of episodes back with Mr.Capaldi but all I have seen thus far is kiddiefied stuff with Mr flamin Pink. I couldn't stand prancing/dancing Matt Smith, however that Van Gogh episode he was part of was absolutely superb.
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Pink started off quite interesting for me and had the potential to become a good sidekick - military background, but with haunted past. But yeah, he kinda fizzled out to slowing the action to snails pace and is now just annoying :(

Didn't mind this episode, not great, but liked the twist that the trees were trying to protect us and humankind took the initial usual stance of trying to destroy something it doesn't understand.
The entire world would have to go to sleep at the same time for no one to notice all the trees growing at the same time.
everyone going to forget it happened, pfff, lazy writing.
Maybe the whole world did go to sleep - part of their powers. However, another explanation is that when the trees had stopped been an airbag they instantly disappeared - they could have appeared in the same way?
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