Doctor Who

Surprised they actually filmed in Sheffield for parts of it, always better when you recognise where they are. Wasn't a bad start but it's to be expected now for the first episode after a regen, it'd be nice if once they could regen and get straight on with it none of this I've forgot who I am stuff.
Seriously, "diversity quota"? Maybe just maybe, they picked the best people for the part? Why does their race matter?

Yea and just happen to perfectly hit the diversity quota. They even did it with the writers lol

It's the BBC. OFC they don't pick the best people for the job...
Happy to give the new Dr Who a go, but I honestly have to say after watching the whole episode I was fairly disappointed. Mediocre script which in my opinion focussed on only 'strong' female characters, with the men coming off as wimpy submissive side kicks who have trouble riding bikes or a Predator tribute act. I'll keep watching and hope it will improve.
Seriously, "diversity quota"? Maybe just maybe, they picked the best people for the part? Why does their race matter?
Are they aiming for that really stunted wooden acting, of the same calibre as random guest cast of the 1960s and 1970s Dr Who?
Because if not, then they're just scoring points and waving race in our faces. I tend not to notice what race someone is in this programme, and the fact that I noticed what race people were in this supports the Diversity Quota assertion, IMO. Not only in the main story, but especially in the preview bit at the end, it was very much a mixture of BBC Names You Might Recognise, and Token Person Of Ethnic Origin. Boxes firmly ticked.

The Doctor, as usual, is some pretty decent actor whose talents will be utterly wasted in some pissy nonsensical scripts. As is, she's basically channeling David Tennant all over again, who was decent in the role but nothing like The Doctor should be.
Beyond that - 8/10, would bang.
Just finished it. As far as the plot goes it was a decent episode, the similarities to Predator ring true and Predator is awesome.

As for the Doctor.. I didn't mind the behaviour for this Doctors first episode, the lunacy is dialled back compared to Smith to Tennant. Eccleston and Capaldi were more patronizing.

Looking good so far.
I've not watched Dr. Who for years. I really like Jodie Whittaker and thought she played the role very well. Her craziness reminded me of Tom Baker and Peter Davidson..

I'm not so keen on the modern format. Episodes seem a bit rushed and a pool party for C grade celebrities. I was waiting for the appearance of Anne Hegerty.
I've not watched Dr. Who for years. I really like Jodie Whittaker and thought she played the role very well.

I thought it was better for dialing down the craziness and easing back on the slapstick element. I thought that both Tennant and Eccleston both reasonable stabs at the character in the past and made it enjoyable again. Though I really like lots of Capalid's stuff, his character was just all over the place. They couldn't make their mind up as to whether he was supposed to be darker, or a clown.

I quite enjoyed it for a first episode. It wasn't outstanding but it felt as though it might be a grower now. I think it's a difficult character to make your own but think she did a good job. I must be one of the few who likes her daft accent.:)
Better than I thought but cripes, they're going to need subtitles for Ms. Whitaker (or a dialect coach) if they plan on selling this to the US or other English speaking locations around the world.

The story and writing wasn't much though - the premise being a rather tame ripoff of Predator but with no explanation why "Mr. I am important" was the target. Felt more like a weak episode of Torchwood, TBH.

Some of the plot elements made no sense either. A large extraterrestial object landing on a train, killing the driver would have been a major incident. Sealed off and quarantined massive police and security force response. But no our protagonists were just suddenly back in Sheffield city centre. Put me in mind of "Bugs" where despite all the criminal activity, you never saw a police response.

The support casting diversity was known and expected but still can't help thinking the BBC are doing it to tick boxes rather than to further story or character necessity.
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There was one wtf moment for me. I know it's sci-fi, adventure and you are supposed to suspend your belief and use you imagination. But just how far did he chuck that bike? It looked like it landed in the next county, not the bottom of the little hill they were on.:rolleyes:;):)
I thought it was awful and actually fell asleep half way through. The writing was weak, the acting poor, the cast clearly chosen for 'diversity and inclusion' and , despite the BBC saying she was universally loved, I thought Jodie Whittaker was a poor Doctor.

I will try watching the other half when I get time, just in case it changes my view. But I think it's time for Dr Who and I part ways. There is literally nothing I watch from the BBC now apart from the News.
This was only the second Dr Who episode I've seen since it was rebooted (the first was a Tennant one about a spaceship on the back of a whale - I rather liked that).

It was alright. Watched with my son, 8, and he liked it (he found Tim Shaw super-unsettling). Seemed a bit long, dragged, but I like Whittaker as the Dr.
still can't help thinking the BBC are doing it to tick boxes rather than to further story or character necessity.
Like I mentioned, they missed that boat long ago. If they wanted to score points for diversity and Female Doctors, the ideal time was probably just before Paul McGann, really... or even before Sylvester McCoy.

Sheffield must be a great place for criminals, there only appears to be two police officers and one is a trainee whilst the other stays in the station.
But on the upside, a high percentage of their staff are members of ethnic minorities... !
I'm not so keen on the modern format. Episodes seem a bit rushed and a pool party for C grade celebrities. I was waiting for the appearance of Anne Hegerty.

Yes there isn't enough time to do a decent story in 1 episode. The old 30 mins x 5+ format was much better at building up a story. Here everyone has to get on board instantly because there isn't time to be remotely normal.

There was one wtf moment for me. I know it's sci-fi, adventure and you are supposed to suspend your belief and use you imagination. But just how far did he chuck that bike? It looked like it landed in the next county, not the bottom of the little hill they were on.:rolleyes:;):)

And given his medical condition was it a good idea to let him climb/run down a very steep hill, (though he seemed to do that really well)? :)

Also not sure how just 2 men with a van were able to pick up an carry the freezing pod, that must have been heavy and a very ackward shape to carry thoguh the woods at night?

Also the time the construction site was open seems a tad too early. It was still the middle of the night, I'm sure there are rules that won't let them use cranes at that time.
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