I liked episode 2. Jodie is great so far I have to admit. There wasn't much Doctor zaniness this episode and I hope it stays that way or goes away entirely at the least for 1 Doctor cycle. It's the main thing that I dislike about Doctor Who, behaving like Tom Cruise on Oprah.
I like this when used well, ie Tennant and Smith, but JW seems to use this in all her scenes so far, even when there is nothing to be excited about. The team are trekking through the sand, Bradley Walsh is deadpan and yet JW is..........behaving like Tom Cruise on Oprah - tone it down luv.
This is not a specific criticism of the current series of Doctor Who but of one particular item.
The bloody Sonic Screwdriver.
From what I remember, it was scrapped from the original series because it had become a get-out-of-jail-free card and I really feel it's become that again. It's crazily over used now and I just wish it could be thrown away and forgotten about.
THIS is grating me, how many times did she use the sonic? She even used it on a manual hatch. And, once unseen, cannot be unseen, buuuuuuuuuuuuut have you seen the dramatisation of her actually using the sonic? Watch again, it's like she is an American baseball pitcher as he winds up to throw - a huge over head moment to line up the sonic; sooooooo annoying.
Episode was good, effects were good, Malik underused and a crap ending; "we'll split it", so joint first, booooo.
I was waiting for a twist where there was no prize and the winner actually got killed and their remains kept on planet ala Running Man, but Jodie defeats the evil Malik.
Running Man, why not? We had Predator last week