Doctor Who

Wasn't impressed by Episode 2 at all. Lots of SJW elements creeping in too, although kinda stealthily at times. Very poor I felt. Seems like a marmite episode though which is interesting. I didn't mind Episode 1 either. I am not warming to the support characters at all, which I think might be the problem. Doesn't help that there are three of them either. Bit of a sense of spare wheels creeping in at times. Whittaker was too jokey too. It is grating now. As someone else above said, needs to be dark and light tones not just a constant barrage of one liners and sonic screwdriver contrivances.
I liked episode 2. Jodie is great so far I have to admit. There wasn't much Doctor zaniness this episode and I hope it stays that way or goes away entirely at the least for 1 Doctor cycle. It's the main thing that I dislike about Doctor Who, behaving like Tom Cruise on Oprah.

I like this when used well, ie Tennant and Smith, but JW seems to use this in all her scenes so far, even when there is nothing to be excited about. The team are trekking through the sand, Bradley Walsh is deadpan and yet JW is..........behaving like Tom Cruise on Oprah - tone it down luv.

This is not a specific criticism of the current series of Doctor Who but of one particular item.

The bloody Sonic Screwdriver.

From what I remember, it was scrapped from the original series because it had become a get-out-of-jail-free card and I really feel it's become that again. It's crazily over used now and I just wish it could be thrown away and forgotten about.

THIS is grating me, how many times did she use the sonic? She even used it on a manual hatch. And, once unseen, cannot be unseen, buuuuuuuuuuuuut have you seen the dramatisation of her actually using the sonic? Watch again, it's like she is an American baseball pitcher as he winds up to throw - a huge over head moment to line up the sonic; sooooooo annoying.

Episode was good, effects were good, Malik underused and a crap ending; "we'll split it", so joint first, booooo.

I was waiting for a twist where there was no prize and the winner actually got killed and their remains kept on planet ala Running Man, but Jodie defeats the evil Malik.

Running Man, why not? We had Predator last week :)
Prodution values were great, didn't have any issues other than the scrupt was utter dullness.

She's in her TARDIS now so hopefully the series can properly start and I can judge against "real" episodes.

I'd love for her to loose her screwdriver for a series.....
This is the problem - when the narrative is not sufficiently engaging, such that you are constantly making comparisons with previous films and dramas you have seen -
the shaking spaceship at the start is not out of place on red-dwarf, inability to understand the trajectory of a crashing spaceship, slapstick, a bit of Dune heritage thrown in there too;
... I deleted the recording 10 minutes in

They seem to be trying to accomodate an even lower age demographic than previous series, with the language, excessive gesticulation .....
(edit - Ok that's not approaching an original thought Peter Capaldi's Doctor Who may have scared the children)

Bradley Walsh, whilst a good actor (Law&Order) is suffering from over exposure, with the quiz show and other stuff he does, which dumbs down his contribution in a bit more serious endeavours ? (OK - children don't care)
This is the problem - when the narrative is not sufficiently engaging, such that you are constantly making comparisons with previous films and dramas you have seen -
the shaking spaceship at the start is not out of place on red-dwarf, inability to understand the trajectory of a crashing spaceship, slapstick, a bit of Dune heritage thrown in there too;
... I deleted the recording 10 minutes in

I'm sort of with you that the plots and story-lines haven't engaged the audience in a very long time. Everything is laid bare for the viewer, so there is no second guessing the plot line or working out what might come next for yourself. However I really don't mind shaky sets. or baddies covered in bubble rap if the story has an edge or a few twists and turns. There's way too much reliance on state of the art CGI, being used to prop up some pretty vacuous stories in the hope the audience won't notice it's basically rubbish.

That said I like Jodie Whittaker, I hope the writers help her make the character her own and give her some better material to work with. The last episode I watched that thought was really good was "The Empty Child." The one in war torn London with the gas masks and Christopher Eccleston.
Well, I liked it.

I'm new to Who, more or less, with this series, but enjoy sci-fi short stories, and this episode was like one of those. Would have preferred if the Tardis was a reveal at the end, rather than it being shown earlier on, though.
(edit - Ok that's not approaching an original thought Peter Capaldi's Doctor Who may have scared the children)
sorry have to remember not to quote the telegraph - reading full article they get things around the wrong way - guess they did not watch last series.
The rapport between Capaldi and Coleman was fantastic but you can’t help wondering whether, in this day and age, there is an onus on the series producers to elicit sexual chemistry between the two leads. It will be no surprise if Chris Chibnall, who takes over the reins of the show from Steven Moffat next year, goes for a younger model in an attempt to woo the 18-25 year-old demographic.
definitely won't be any of that(chemistry anyway) for new series !

edit: she's like Mary Poppins, if nothing else.
End of the series?
Nah, that's not how it works - New Doctor, new Scredriver, New TARDIS..... and she kinda needs it to get around in time and space anyway. Without a TARDIS, you have to keep coming up with loads more MacGuffins like Time Agent wristwatches.
End of the episode I meant. The guy in the tent revealed that the monument was the tardis early on. Would have been better as a late reveal. Although it was pretty obvious.
And that's how you get Sonic Sunglasses :D

Speaking of sunglasses. Anyone have a clue where she pulled those shades from that she handed to Bradley Walsh to wear? She claimed to have got them from Plato or some 60s movie star (want to say Audrey Hepburn), but how? Those clothes were only sourced after she'd lost the Tardis and she'd only been in Sheffield before ending up on that planet.
Speaking of sunglasses. Anyone have a clue where she pulled those shades from that she handed to Bradley Walsh to wear? She claimed to have got them from Plato or some 60s movie star (want to say Audrey Hepburn), but how? Those clothes were only sourced after she'd lost the Tardis and she'd only been in Sheffield before ending up on that planet.

Like all apparent plotholes in Dr Who, this can be explained by wibbly wobbly timey wimey.
Maybe there was a quick undisclosed clothing/accessory shopping trip - she could be shown satirizing some stereotyped femail traits ?
however the USA audience/#metoo might not get it,
are the BBC ahead of the game and +discrimination/tick-box agenda can, and is, being ridiculed.
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