Doctor Who

Everyones fave will most likely be different and the 2 I chose stand out for me, though the ones you guys mention are equally as good. One thing is for sure, you can't beat a good 8 parter! Old style Dr Who.
Or any time during the next week for NTL customers who have VOD - it's on the "pick of the week" and is free (they still have last weeks episode listed as well).
I was out last night so just watched the episode on Sky+

Wasn't that fantastic. I really don't care about the background story of that episode because I don't think it was important - The real story was the way it explored the Doctor/Companion relationship thing, this was absolutely superb and I thought it was very well done indeed. It touched something that the series has never covered before.

No I don't think that it will effect the current up and coming story line, but it certainly did put closure on the Doctor/Sarah relationship for me. I always felt that was one very big gap after Tom's Doc dropped her off on Earth before Deadly assacin.

But what a superb ep, I mean K9, come on what a brilliant little dog he really is :D Was really quite sad when they blew him up in that exploision, I really did think though that wasn't the last we'd see of that robotic little dog. So wasn't a surprise when the TARDIS de-materialised and there was K9 standing proud.

I don't think that was the last we'll see of K9 and Sarah though, possibly in the next sries, well I reckon we'll see them again, for possibly more than one episode, ok that would be nice, but who knows what the BBC have up their sleaves.

Cybermen in 2 weeks guys, really looking forward to that one :D
Presumably Lalla Ward (second incarnation of the Time Lord Romana) is still out there? as i remmber she was in a parallel univers or something?

I have a feeling Torchwood will turn on the Doctor at the end of the series.
Hang on, wasn't the Dalek in the same titled episode the last Dalek alive.

Then there was the Emperor Dalek and the last of the Daleks in the series finale.

Are there any more "last Daleks" left?
Hmm... I don't think I saw that... which is probably why I am so confused.

After reading up about it online... if Rose destroyed them so easily... why couldn't the Doctor do what she did and then just regenerate all those years ago... and bring his people back too...
Danger Phoenix said:
Hmm... I don't think I saw that... which is probably why I am so confused.

After reading up about it online... if Rose destroyed them so easily... why couldn't the Doctor do what she did and then just regenerate all those years ago... and bring his people back too...
That's called a plot hole. ;)

EDIT, The Doctor had the opportunity to destroy the daleks back in Genesis of the daleks, but bottled out.
not watched any of this series.. the first one drove me nuts..

One thing that is missing from this new generations of Dr. Who is that it isn't in Episodes.. you like like 1 of 4..

The older series had an element of suspense which appears to be missing...
Admiral Huddy said:
not watched any of this series.. the first one drove me nuts..

One thing that is missing from this new generations of Dr. Who is that it isn't in Episodes.. you like like 1 of 4..

The older series had an element of suspense which appears to be missing...

I think that is because it is a new new doctor and it is a case of establishing him in the role before they go to 2 or 3 parters.
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