The irony is that the same groups complaining about "whitewashing" are the groups that hail something like making a british period drama with a large proportion of black actors in prominent roles. You can't have it both ways.
not sure I get you, the discerning anti-woke people who are not watching bridgerton , don't watch doctor who either (... or the crown, line of duty, downton abbey);
so, I don't think they are hypocritical.
the common factor seems to be programmes with an eye on the American market have a primary woke remit, and, that can be a failing at inception.
The asexual writing of Jodies Who character, consistant with Enid Blyton/targetting children, has been a big negative, contrary to previous Who's,
I suppose that is the #metoo knee jerk.
but I don't think thats massively her fault
yes the writings a problem, but she's been complicit, prostituted herself to this role, maybe contractually,
perhaps she has an NDA too, not to defame it, and tell us what she really thinks;
I can't see it has been a positive for her long term career, unlike capaldi etc. etc.
its just that it doesn't have budget priority
I think the budget has been adequate for the special effects - it was for Capaldi ... or, did they cut it significantly since that time.