Doctor Who

The BBC and Disney - the woke dream team.
British Brainwashing Corporation.

thought Disney got a new CEO who wanted to fix their reputation ?

I've love it if the BBC were a private listed company, I bet their market cap would be dwarfed by all the other media creation companies
I think the licence fee has to go now, I used to defend it but the radio has turned to utter nonsense as well. I really don't need to listen to the same NEWS every hr and seemingly every 30mins depending on the time of day.....
Dr Who has always been confusing to me. I like scifi but have always considered Dr Who to be the benchmark for everything I don't want a sci-fi show to be.

Ultra hammy, camp, very low budget and seemingly made for kids yet it's main audience seems to be middle-aged men and pensioners.
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Dr Who has always been confusing to me. I like scifi but have always considered Dr Who to be the benchmark for everything I don't want a sci-fi show to be.

Ultra hammy, camp, very low budget and seemingly made for kids yet it's main audience seems to be middle-aged men and pensioners.
Irs still all of those although no longer low budget thanks to a streaming deal with Disney+ Internationally.

It's original premise when created was for kids as an education tool. It soon became a Saturday evening family entertainment show.
Family show that has run since 1960's has pensioner viewers you say..........

I wrongly assumed most people would grow out of it, clearly not. I never really remember it being a family show either, in my head it's always been a kids show but I'm no expert on it and thus will take your word that it's always been a family show.
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That's not strictly true. It was originally intended as a 'family show', not just for kids.
Depends where you look. Some article say the BBC wanted a programme that would appeal to younger audiences after Grandstand and before Juke Box Jury. Other sources claim they wanted a show to appeal to all ages after the sports primarily aimed at adult males and the Juke Box Jury show aimed at teenagers. So I guess either could be correct as it encapsulates all ages in to a show families can watch together around tea time.
Another pro-nouns lecture thrown in - to even claim this is even light sci-fi is unsustainable now. What a farce.

Viewing figures were predictably terrible as well.

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Another pro-nouns lecture thrown in - to even claim this is even light sci-fi is unsustainable now. What a farce.

Yeah, and alongside that in the first episode alone we also received one sided preachy lectures arguing in favour of abortion and promoting the idea of open borders and uncontrolled immigration.

I’ll bet the viewing figures fall off a cliff if this keeps up. It’s almost as if they’re deliberately trying to divide and alienate the audience!
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Love sci-fi but not watched Doctor Who for many, many years.

I happened to see the last few minutes the other night. Has it turned into a musical now?

Looked awful.
No but the baddie wanted all the music for themselves and stole the music from the world. The dance at the end was just a bit of fun or maybe there was more to it as it was called there is always a twist at the end.
I really can't tell if you're joking or not.

Which is concerning.
The worse thing is that was the better episode.

Versus the other episode where the doctor had to rescue talking babies ,who’d been abandoned on a space station, from a giant snot monster ….

Apologies for any spoilers! Though the real spoiler is wasting an hour of your life watching that garbage knowing you funded it through your licence fee!
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