Doctor Who

Thanks for reminding me, wish I could download it though :(

David's hair is ridiculous in this, even more than normal. Tate's acting as bad as ever.
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Well his quiff certainly does seem to be getting more and more impressive!

Nice to see Lord Percy Percy taking part, not seen him in anything for a while.

I thought this weeks episode was better than last week but still nothing special though, I so hope it improves as the series goes on.
Decent episode let down by poor acting from Tate. Was waiting all episode for the Ood to stick a ball on her head but it didn't happen, hopefully the Daleks won't be so forgiving when they make an appearance.

Really wish they didn't kill off the lovely Kylie in the Christmas special :(
I'm glad that UNIT is back, but for me it's the return of the Sontaran's I can't wait for. Let's hope that the Doctor is still a pain in their neck! Yes, I know it's a bad pun, but hey!
Hmmm the ood episode didn't really keep me all that interested. There wasn't really all that much going on, next weeks episode looks alrite though.
Didn't think that episode was any better than the previous ones. Really weak series so far :(

Hopefully it will pick up next week and I'm really looking forward to see the Doctors daughter, she looks rather nice :o
Who was the blonde who flashed up on the monitor... (I think it was when Donna answered the phone in the tardis).. was it Rose?

Did you spot the "Are you my mummy?" question when he put the gas mask on? :D
Yeah, the daughter was hot ;)

So, did she regenerate or what? She would have to change the body to regenerate... so I am not sure what she did :confused:

I wonder if the Doctor and Jenny will meet again...
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