Doctor Who

Pet hates of mine, sorry, I have to say something!

Dalek, not dalek

Kaled, not Kelad.. Dalek is an anagram of Kaled, it's not Kaled reversed (the text copied from here is wrong. It also can't spell Davros :)).

Here endeth my Doctor Who geekiness for this post :)
The Doctor isn't always cuddly and nice towards bad people, I think that was a fair one to wipe out Argus Filch. Kids all over the place would have been happy about that.

On a second viewing, I still liked it and there was something mesmerising about Nefertiti :)
Want to know what happened to the Ponds after the events in "The Angels Take Manhatten"?

The BBC have posted an unfilmed scene on YouTube.

There were no tears in my eyes at the end, some dust must have blown into them. Honest.
The interior of the TARDIS has changed many times, not always in line with regeneration. I far prefer this interior to the last one.

I enjoyed this Christmas episode, it's the first one for a couple of years where I've not nodded off half way through. The fact that JLC was in it may have had something to do with that, she's stunningly pretty and not a bad actress either.
There is a season arc but it's hidden so well that nobody can see it! When (the amazingly cute) JLC was interviewed on the Nerdist podcast she made the point a few times that it'll all come together and be well worth it in the end.

I've been watching some old Classic Who recently, the current one I'm working through is City of Death and apart from the *ahem* slightly dodgy sets, it's far superior to the current storylines we have.
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