Doctor Who

It would have been much better as a two-parter. They seemed to stretch some parts out and really milk it (when the doctor is "testing" it/saying really random things he just goes on for ages wasting time).
But near the end, then seem to have wrapped the end up really fast with no explanation, or even a hint of an explanation. :confused:

I thought it was going to be a two parter, it did seem to end very suddenly.
Could someone please remind me in which previous episode the subject was brought up about there being something on Donna's back. We have been racking our brains, but there was definately a reference made, we just can't remember when.

Yes, that was mentioned somewhere in this series and I thought the same then as I did this time - Large spiders. Metebelis III. Blue Crystals.
Hope everyone else watching this has more patience than me because I've had enough already :(
Its already getting to me. Typical long winded crap that is continued next week I presume? I'm getting sick of these two parters even if this is apparently the finale?
ohmygodohmygod BADWOLF!

This is going to be such a good 3parter... I dunno if it'll be able to top The Master last year though...
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