Doctor Who

From the Radio Times..

Catherine Tate had her doubters when she first took over the role of the companion - but her electrifying performance here should shut up the whingers once and for all. This is her episode. Yes, Rose (Billie Piper) returns as Donna's guide in another world, but Tate is the commanding presence. Russell T Davies has brilliantly constructed a story centred on a very simple premise - what if she'd turned right at a crossroads when she was just ordinary, non-time-travelling Donna, and not left? What if she'd chosen the road that did not lead to the Doctor? Once the fateful decision is made, we're led through Davies's vision of a dystopian, Doctor-less world, as Donna struggles with loss and despair. And what's that on her back? David Tennant takes a back seat and leaves the work to the ladies, but fear not, he re-appears when it matters the most. And the ending will give you goose bumps.

(my bold)
Sorry. Wrong. I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt at the beginning of the series and in fact she was better than I expected in the first episode. But she's got worse as the series has progressed and I really can't agree with the comments from the Radio Times. I am fed up of Tate and her shouting and the sooner she leaves the series the better.

Tonights story was a good idea but she spoiled it with her woodenness and shouty behaviour.
Billie suited the part great, no too smart but smart enough to actually understand stuff.

Agyeman, not so good, mostly because of the "I love the doctor" after only one series. But worked well.

Tate, utter crap, can't act to save her life and ruins the whole story when the writers have to make stories that work with her. Then when they come up with a good story she ruins it by shouting the place down.
Since when has Billie Piper has a lisp? Or are her teeth growing?

Oddly enough I said this exact same thing to the missus after a couple of minutes.

I hope to god she doesnt meet up with Tennant in the next episode, if they both start doing their lisps it will be like trying to watch the Spanish version of the show.

With Davros coming too in this finale, along with his speech, I can see I am going to need some towels around my tv to stop my floor getting wet
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but she wasn't there on the titanic was she? why did that crash:confused:

Why does billy have a lisps, and why the hell do they still have tate:/
of the series i dont think so, of this season your probably right as its been dire imo, the last series of torchwood was rubbish aswell and the first series of torchwood wasnt that good

I thought it was common knowledge that torchwood was just a bit poo.
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