Doctor Who

It sounded like she had something in her mouth.

Imo Torchwood was miles ahead of the last two seasons of dr.who. Sadly this season of both dr.who and torchwood have been rather dire to date.
What's the deal with this Doctor being able to regenerate sometimes and not others?

Also I thought that the 8th Doctor was canon, so how come he could regenerate way after he'd "died" but this Doctor seems to have to do it straight away?
What's the deal with this Doctor being able to regenerate sometimes and not others?

Also I thought that the 8th Doctor was canon, so how come he could regenerate way after he'd "died" but this Doctor seems to have to do it straight away?

IIRC the time lords ability to regenerate is/was reliant in some way on the power of Gallifrey - I think they normally got about 12 regenerations on average, but can be less and can be more (an additional regeneration cycle could be given by the ruling council*).

I think the Doctor is also meant to have had additional regenerations that are not shown in the TV series (so our 8th Doctor might be the 9th, or 10th regen), and sometimes a regeneration just doesn't work without assistance (from vague memories some time lords are much better at it than others).

In short, my guess is the current Doctor isn't so great at regenerating due to the circumstances, and may be relying in part on the power in the TARDIS (which also begs the question, how is the TARDIS being powered - if Gallifray has been destroyed, so presumably has the Eye of Harmony, so are the Doc and the Tardis relying on a shared energy/bond).

I'm wondering if they are going to somehow bring Gallifray back at some point, as there are some hints that it's not "gone" as completely as the Doctor thinks (his Tardis still works**, the Daleks were not destroyed at the same time as had been suggested, and the Master survived).

*At least one of the Master story lines relates to his attempt to get more by taking over the time lord council, or stealing them.

**The ultimate joke would be if Gallifray is actually inside the TARDIS - I don't think anyone has ever mentioned how big it is inside ;)
As far as I am aware, the dreadful tv movie that was, is considered to be canon of the history of Dr Who, and therefore, the Eye of Harmony is open, which it really should not be. Therefore, when Gallifrey was destroyed, the TARDIS was operating as a micro-gallifrey in its own right, it was 'off the grid' so to speak.

However, from a personal standpoint, I don't entirely believe that Gallifrey was destroyed. It may not exist in 'this' universe, but I am sure that it was moved.
which also begs the question, how is the TARDIS being powered - if Gallifray has been destroyed, so presumably has the Eye of Harmony, so are the Doc and the Tardis relying on a shared energy/bond).

In the new series he's gone to the rift in Cardiff the "refuel" the tardis.
In the new series he's gone to the rift in Cardiff the "refuel" the tardis.

Yeah but the the state of the tardis in the last episode does seem to point to there being a link between the two of them. Then again that could be because it hadn't been fuelled up in a while.

I don't really like how they've made the Doctor quite weak. I mean it's nice to know he's got his weak points but the number of times he's almost died is pretty laughable.
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Yeah but the the state of the tardis in the last episode does seem to point to there being a link between the two of them. Then again that could be because it hadn't been fuelled up in a while.

I'm sure in one of the old episodes there was something about another tardis that died after it's time lord did.

Also apparently the inside of the tardis dwarfs gallifrey.
Christopher Eccleston's doctor said:
So this is what you should do: let the TARDIS die. Just let this old box gather dust, no-one can open it, no-one will even notice it

seems to me to indicate it'll die without him
of the series i dont think so, of this season your probably right as its been dire imo, the last series of torchwood was rubbish aswell and the first series of torchwood wasnt that good

Look at the date, was talking about the previous episode
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