Doctor Who

I noticed the crack thing too.

In other news, why did he have a gun at the end of the "coming soon" thing? Didn't David Tennant once make a big point of how the Doctor didn't like guns?

Just a thought here but that might be why it was the final image of the season teaser trailer :p
Doctor who should be renamed "Over actors anonymous".
Subtlety, nuance, inflection (not in the grammatical sense) and understatement have no place in a Doctor who actor these days it seems.
Lots of flailing arms, shouting, running around and grandstanding, cant be doing with it, sells a lot of lunchboxes mind, and at the end of the day, I imagine thats all that matters.
It does bear some correlation to the crack on the wall, enough for me to believe the two are related.

Here's my poor attempt to overlay the two:

Well it was made quite clear that the crack was going to be a large part of the series, by 'Prisoner Zero'. I theorise that the daleks/cybermen he banished to the void at the end of the episodes containing the original Torchwood have found a way back. Because that was to do with cracks in the universe, wasn't it?
Amy Pond.

A duck pond with no ducks = a pond

I think there's a link.

The text telling her to duck just before he put the ladder through the window, duck pond... :)

I really enjoyed it, new Doctor seems good, particularly as it's his first episode. Frankly, I think I would watch it even if it was crap, purely for the new assistant :D
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I'm sorry but as the man himself said, some of you need to "get a girlfriend".
If in a discussion on Doctor Who all you can find to write about is the assistant and all the "things" you would do to her.....
You'd be far better off trolling on some IRC channel.

Oh wow, the assistant was pretty.
Come on, it really ends there.
"I'd destroy her if she was a pasty"
"She was hot"
"Oh yer, hot assistant"

Calm those hormones little boys!
Did anyone notice the new assistant? OMG she was sooo hot, i would seriously smash her pasty and any other pastry based product she may have.

Oh, and the episode was good too.

Did i mention the new assistant was hot?
I'm sorry but as the man himself said, some of you need to "get a girlfriend".
If in a discussion on Doctor Who all you can find to write about is the assistant and all the "things" you would do to her.....
You'd be far better off trolling on some IRC channel.

Oh wow, the assistant was pretty.
Come on, it really ends there.
"I'd destroy her if she was a pasty"
"She was hot"
"Oh yer, hot assistant"

Calm those hormones little boys!

She was probably a kind of safety net.

When they are introducing a new doctor, a doctor who many people have reservations about, they hit upon a great idea. Knowing that the majority of viewers are males, particularly younger males, its a good idea to pop in a massive piece of eye candy so that said males rave about her all over the place and generate great PR just in case the new doctor actor doesnt quite go down well.

Great marketing and very successful, a quick trawling of the internet and you find that many forums arent talking about the new doctor, storylines etc. They are talking about the companion. Takes all the pressure off Smith.
While she is very attractive, I don't think it matters if she isn't a good actress. I doubt people would just watch a show for a piece of eye candy. In many ways she reminds me of Yvonne Strahovski in Chuck, sure she's attractive but there's acting ability behind it. It's too early to tell but Amy Pond seems like an interesting character with some smart dialogue with the good doctor.
I theorise that the daleks/cybermen he banished to the void at the end of the episodes containing the original Torchwood have found a way back. Because that was to do with cracks in the universe, wasn't it?

Expanding that theory means there's an outside chance we get to see Billie Piper's norks, result! :D
lol even after watching episode one im still stuck thinking david tennant is the doc but I know there is a new one strutting his stuff.

Things are warming to me now, the theme music still sounds a little odd and the tardis looks a lot more filled out now apart from the stupid use of glass/plexi glass for the console floor... whoever thought that was good idea will soon realise it will need scratches buffed out lol. Unless they used bullet proof lexan or something?

And yes the new assistant is hot and ive watched the episode more than once because of it! she is a nice tasty pasty in needed of smashing :D
Can't believe there's an article in the Daily Fail today saying the assistant is "too sexy" and most of their reasoning seemed to be because she was wearing a skirt :confused:
Oh and did anyone notice the laptop with the logo on it? "MYTH" written in a greek looking font big enougth for people to notice. Wonder if that will have any bearing on later episodes?
While she is very attractive, I don't think it matters if she isn't a good actress. I doubt people would just watch a show for a piece of eye candy. In many ways she reminds me of Yvonne Strahovski in Chuck, sure she's attractive but there's acting ability behind it. It's too early to tell but Amy Pond seems like an interesting character with some smart dialogue with the good doctor.

I stand by my theory that she has safety net properties.

Doesnt necessarily matter if people are watching or not, even those who arent going to watch the rest of the series now will be grabbing pictures of her and talking about her. The media will be splashing pictures of her, not the new Doctor, across their pages. All good PR.

She certainly appears to be a decent actress, but lets face it. If we polled people on her qualities, the majority arent going to be listing her acting ability at the top ;)

The most important thing for the shows makers at this time is to get people talking about the show, to give the show momentum and weight. To get people not talking about Tennant. They've achieved that very well, theres barely a male sci-fi-esque forum on the net at the moment which isnt talking about her. I've no problem with it, in fact I rather admire the planning and successful execution of it.
Here's the new full score of the Doctor Who theme. Enjoy!

Doctor Who Theme 2010

Personally, it's growing on me since watching it the other night, and Matt Smith has a bit of Tom Baker in him which is pleasing to see. David Tennant was getting a bit too brash for my liking and the last 2 episodes of his finale was just plain terrible. The Doctor jumped out of a spaceship which was climbing fairly rapidly and crashed though a glass roof and landed on the floor. Surely that would've just splattered him?!
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