Doctor Who

I'm never really a fan of the traditional Dr Who characters (Darleks and Cybermen), so far they haven't really done much (other than when they came out of the time lock). The storylines seem to rely on the Darleks drawing people in instead of being genuinely good.
Darleks drawing people in instead of being genuinely good.

1. Spelling is "Daleks" ;)

2. I pretty much agree with you. With the exception of Dalek from 2005 they have all been quite bad really. Next weeks sees them doing something they have(n't) done before. Uses the missing story "Power of the Daleks" where they tricked humans into thinking they were their servants, however they haven't gone back in time to manipulate humans before, so I think next week's episode shouold in theory be quite entertaining.

I thought it was funny to see Amy "Arthur Denting" it through the episode!

I wish she'd Arthur Dent it a bit longer.... ;) Especially if she slept without cloth....I'll stop there :p
1. Spelling is "Daleks" ;)

2. I pretty much agree with you. With the exception of Dalek from 2005 they have all been quite bad really. Next weeks sees them doing something they have(n't) done before. Uses the missing story "Power of the Daleks" where they tricked humans into thinking they were their servants, however they haven't gone back in time to manipulate humans before, so I think next week's episode shouold in theory be quite entertaining.

I wish she'd Arthur Dent it a bit longer.... ;) Especially if she slept without cloth....I'll stop there :p

Meh, that's how much I care about them.:p Hopefully they will be as good as the destruction of the first Torchwood episode, however i'm doubtful.

Mmmmm *Daydreams*

The more I see her the hotter I find her, just the right age and just the right accent. Never normally find TV girls attractive. :o

You've only got to look at the state of britains broadband speeds compared to other nations to see why we couldnt get a ship working :)

It must be bad if all the third world managed to escape as well. :p

I really liked the fact it was still totally democratic, and that the queen was still "in command".
its working fine on the iplayer now, i think the iplayer was just being blasted with to many hits at once.

Not as good as last weeks, despite it being a bit shorter ovbviously it still felt like it was over before it began. I definitely see potential in Matt Smith as he seems to be a pretty good eccentric. The Amy character seems to be far far less annoying than any of the others whos voices just were a pain to hear sometimes. I just hope she doesn't go down the whiny assistant route.

Thought that was a decent enough episode. Wouldn't be surprised if Moffat has read a few of the Discworld novels considering the whole giant animal carrying the world on its back thing.

Next weeks looks like its allot more interesting, as has been said it would be good if they dont actually kill off the daleks and actually make them a proper threat for once.
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