Doctor Who

indeed, but they sure look cool, now i want more mooooore

and micky/ricky guy seems to have a better job this week.
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I only started watching Dr Who last year with the new series... so I am just curious about the history of the cyber men?

Are they all created by different people? If so, how come they are named the same and look alike?
I suspect the logic behind the re-writing of their history is the fact that it's a parallel universe so therefore the backstory can be completely new.

I'll hold my final judgement on this story until next week when I've seen the concluding part but it's going to take a fair bit to convince me.

Feek said:
I suspect the logic behind the re-writing of their history is the fact that it's a parallel universe so therefore the backstory can be completely new.

Ok, so in the old episodes, they were an ongoing enemy, a bit like the Daleks... but in tonights episode they were invented by some other person... what are the chances that this person would invent something the same :confused:
Danger Phoenix said:
what are the chances that this person would invent something the same :confused:

Well depending on your view of how time works, and how multiple dimensions enter the picture then for every possibility there is a seperate universe, so the chances of something happening in a universe will always be 100%.

For example, if a universe consisted soley of the roling of a single perfect die (as in dice). There would be 6 paralel universes after the first throw, 36 after the second throw, 216 after the third throw.
Richard Slater said:
Well depending on your view of how time works, and how multiple dimensions enter the picture then for every possibility there is a seperate universe, so the chances of something happening in a universe will always be 100%.

For example, if a universe consisted soley of the roling of a single perfect die (as in dice). There would be 6 paralel universes after the first throw, 36 after the second throw, 216 after the third throw.
eactly, when you start messing with dimentions your only going to tie yourself in knots.
messing with dimentions AND time doubly so.

havn't we already had a cybermen episode in this serise?
I've miss loads so far
VeNT said:
eactly, when you start messing with dimentions your only going to tie yourself in knots. messing with dimentions AND time doubly so.

Well actually messing with the infinate dimension model with time is actually simpler, as choosing to travel in time is just another chance of something happening, by traveling back in time you cause the point you traveled to to have another branch (one where you went back one where you didn't).

Doctor Who dosn't seem to quite have this concept of infinate dimensions, as the episode "Fathers Day" from 2005 had creatures that came to steralise the wound in time, although this could be explained by the fact that they had traveled back in time to tamper with their own lives at a very similar point.

VeNT said:
havn't we already had a cybermen episode in this serise?
I've miss loads so far

In the 2005 episode "Dalek" there was the head of a cyberman in Henry van Statten's collection. Other than that there hasn't been any cybermen in either the 2005 or 2006 seasons.
Imo the Cyberman 2 parter that finished tonight was not up to the quality of the rest of this series or last years.

Everytime I saw the Cyberman creater bloke I though "its trigger!"
I just couldn't take it seriously
I dont get the point of bringing back these old enemies if theyre in it for just 2 episodes? daleks = 2 episodes (besides the 1 episode with the single dalek), cybermen = 2 episodes. I remember years ago in doctor who whole series would revolve round these now its a couple of episodes. :confused:
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