Doctor Who

However the Angels were draining the power from the torches, so presumably nightsvision goggles etc would also be affected ;)
Great Ep.. Loved the bit in the room with the video loop.. Was pretty bloody eirie... :o the bit about the 3 getting killed then the angel using thier voices to talk to the doctor was pretty creepy as well...
Was no Graham Norton trail on BBC HD either :)

Amy is annoying me though, she just seems to know it all already.
It's thousands of years in the future and they are using Maglights and P90's.

Now that's boring.

That's usually the difference between television and film. Costumes and attention to details like this. First thing I noticed was the fact they were wearing British Army Camo. It was worse in some Tenant episodes though. The random gun selection they use for Unit etc really makes me laugh. M4s with extended mags and master keys etc for no reason.

There are obviously people at the BBC that have to decide what guns will be used for each group of security guards etc. They must just agree on the first hi-tech looking Assault rifle the prop guys send their way.

I think it would be better if they just designed all this gear and made it unique.
That's usually the difference between television and film. Costumes and attention to details like this. First thing I noticed was the fact they were wearing British Army Camo. It was worse in some Tenant episodes though. The random gun selection they use for Unit etc really makes me laugh. M4s with extended mags and master keys etc for no reason.

There are obviously people at the BBC that have to decide what guns will be used for each group of security guards etc. They must just agree on the first hi-tech looking Assault rifle the prop guys send their way.

I think it would be better if they just designed all this gear and made it unique.

Strangely the lack of things like nightvision kind of remind me of Doom 3, where its set in the future but the guy you are playing doesnt seem to have the sense to tape his torch to his gun so that he can use his torch and gun at the same time :D
Strangely the lack of things like nightvision kind of remind me of Doom 3, where its set in the future but the guy you are playing doesnt seem to have the sense to tape his torch to his gun so that he can use his torch and gun at the same time :D

You've just given me an awesome thought..... Imagine a horror FPS game with the Angels in it, and when you blink in real life they move towards you :eek:

Just finished watching it, can't wait to next week. Awesome episode!
Actually using p90s etc made perfect sense. Look at the closest the church has to an army today and you get something like this:

Anachronistic outfits looking like you've travelled back in time. If this theme were to continue it would be appropriate for guards/holy armies in those times to wear anachronistic outfits too - such as those worn today. Simple!
It wasnt bad, that video thing was good and those angels are freaky. There like that wolf game you play as a kid, but you never see them move.
Very samey samey, For every good minute there are 2 of mediocreness. Its just not Fantastical enough. As mentioned above the army guys just looked like british soldiers, kinda sad, i guess the budget went on something else.

Pond women is like a ginger elastic band with legs that kinda gangles about being smug and boring.

Sooo much potential but so ****y at the moment.
yea, what about using house flies? They see all over the place!

Squark you're a genius mate. Genius! And the Mighty Morphin Dalek Rangers was hilarious and impressively well timed to the music too!

I'm loving this new series. The two before this were incredibly weak but not utter rubbish (like the last season of Tennant's). This latest episode was just captivating, got us all engrossed to the point where it was over with a blink of the eye... see what I did there.

Pond is getting a little irritating, she's a little too smug and becoming a know it all. It's irritating how the show is smearing it in your face too, especially in parts where River Song is constantly saying "Oh you're good... you're REALLY REALLY good"!!

Pond women is like a ginger elastic band with legs that kinda gangles about being smug and boring.

I couldn't agree with you more mate, she's way to skinny and bossy to be attractive.

I do like Smith as the new doctor, he's doing a great job so far. I can't help but feel like he's copying Tennant's best attributes. It's almost like the actor hasn't found what kind of a Doctor he want's to be yet. Or maybe that's the point, the doctor is still brand spanking new and has traces of his old self remaining for the moment.

Looks like we're about to find out what the crack is all about next week. I'm interested to see why Amy Pond has forgotten about the Daleks, what they've changed in time to create the crack in space&time and why it keeps following Pond.
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