Doctor Who

I do like Smith as the new doctor, he's doing a great job so far. I can't help but feel like he's copying Tennant's best attributes. It's almost like the actor hasn't found what kind of a Doctor he want's to be yet. Or maybe that's the point, the doctor is still brand spanking new and has traces of his old self remaining for the moment.
hes actually completly copied a few things tennant used to do as the dr .....

not impressed with him at all, still think he wasnt the right person to be cast
Pond is getting a little irritating, she's a little too smug and becoming a know it all. It's irritating how the show is smearing it in your face too, especially in parts where River Song is constantly saying "Oh you're good... you're REALLY REALLY good"!!

Looks like we're about to find out what the crack is all about next week. I'm interested to see why Amy Pond has forgotten about the Daleks, what they've changed in time to create the crack in space&time and why it keeps following Pond.

Maybe Pond knowing so much already is part of the plot, connected up with her not remembering the daleks and such?
*just an idea*
I actually saw a moment in the last episode where Matt Smith clasped his hands behind his back and slightly hunched over as he walked, which is very similar to the way that the first and second doctors (Hartnell and Troughton) sometimes walked. Dont know if it was intentional or not, but it was a nice touch.

I am actually warming to Smith as the Dr, conversely on the other hand, after initially like Amy Pond and the actress playing her.. I am increasingly becoming annoyed with both the character and the actress, whose acting repetoire seems to consist of pursing her lips whilst opening her eyes wide as a way to convey every different emotion.
Lmao proper rimming this arent we lads, its not made for the older generation.

I can appreciate for what it is at face value, not rip it apart down to the last detail.
Lmao proper rimming this arent we lads, its not made for the older generation.

I can appreciate for what it is at face value, not rip it apart down to the last detail.

Come off it!

We all know it's a little more than a children's show. You're talking like we're ripping apart The Sarah Jane Adventures.

In the last season there were fantastic connections between stories, the likes of which no "child" would be able to figure out.

Which does lead me to say, I'm finding it very easy to figure out problems with these current writters but with RTD the answer always stared you in the face but it was pretty difficult to figure out.
i thought the dalek episode was utter rubbish. one of the worst ive seen.

but this weeks was amazing, it combined my 2 favourite parts of the latest doctor who's.

a) the weeping angels, who are just terrifying, much better than overdone daleks

b) the river song story, perhaps one of the most intriguing stories to ever come in to doctor who. the prospect of the doctor having a wife, somebody he trusted so much so to teach them everything about him and his kind, and to tell them his actual name.

im excited for the future of doctor who, i think matt smith has done extremely well considering what he had to follow on from.

we have episodes from Neil Gaiman coming up which should be great.
the river song story, perhaps one of the most intriguing stories to ever come in to doctor who. the prospect of the doctor having a wife, somebody he trusted so much so to teach them everything about him and his kind, and to tell them his actual name.

You know when I started to read your comment I didn't think it was THAT exciting but when put this way it really is!! I'm even more excited to find out about her now. You know they're going to make a big deal of it too. Can't wait!

we have episodes from Neil Gaiman coming up which should be great.

What other stuff has Neil done before? I'm trying to understand why it should be great, because I don't know who he is.
I think I read through all 57 pages of this in hope that you guys discussed the woman in white at the end of Tennat's era.

Did anyone find a plausible explanation?
I think I read through all 57 pages of this in hope that you guys discussed the woman in white at the end of Tennat's era.

Did anyone find a plausible explanation?

its his mother i believe. it had quite a few hints i remember picking up on.

and neil gaiman wrote the Sandman comics which are fantastic and well praised aswell as Stardust (which was adapted into a film which is a good story, slight over shadowed by a terrible Golden Compass movie released at a similar time... shame, the stardust film was actually very good i thought)

he's also wrote for other tv shows aswell. but generally his ability to write dark intriguing fantasy should fit perfectly in to Doctor Who because in all honesty i find Doctor Who much more a fantasy tale than a sci-fi.
Neil Gaiman co-wrote Good Omens with Terry Pratchett, which is a brilliant book and should be enough to commend Gaiman to just about anyone.
I am fairly certain that it won't turn out to be his mother, or his wife, or indeed anyone who is in any way related to him. I think all of those possibilities are too obvious for what it will actually turn out to be.

i doubt it will get pulled up again. that was RTD's stories. we are now onto moffat where hes said past characters will not be coming back really.

also tardis wiki tends to disagree, where the script had her named as hism other, the actress who played her was told it was the doctors mother. and the general consensus is its his mother. however RTD prefered to leave it open in the tv show to engage the thoughts of the viewer.

it mostly points to it being his mother since the male who also stood against the counsel was a male, likely to be his dad.

the other thought is it could be the female timelord romana who was also hinted at could be his mother.

i think my minds made up on it being his mother. i dont see it getting revealed in the moffat era so im happy to settle on that. Think what you will though ofcourse :)
problem i have with people saying that it his mother is were the connection to wilfred mott.
the dr said only a very strong connection made before the time wars could pass thu the time barrier. with the master it was the drums/heart beats. planted in his mind by the most powerfull time lord. so for wilfred to be able to see and talk to the women thu the time barrier, there must be a really really strong connection between them. and as far as i see there only one person who wilfred and the dr has in common who has/had the power of a timelord
i doubt it will get pulled up again. that was RTD's stories. we are now onto moffat where hes said past characters will not be coming back really.

also tardis wiki tends to disagree, where the script had her named as hism other, the actress who played her was told it was the doctors mother. and the general consensus is its his mother. however RTD prefered to leave it open in the tv show to engage the thoughts of the viewer.

it mostly points to it being his mother since the male who also stood against the counsel was a male, likely to be his dad.

the other thought is it could be the female timelord romana who was also hinted at could be his mother.

i think my minds made up on it being his mother. i dont see it getting revealed in the moffat era so im happy to settle on that. Think what you will though ofcourse :)

Time will tell which of us is right, I feel fairly confident for my own reasons that its not his mother, either way it won't be long before its revealed and then we can come back to the thread and say told you so :)
I want to see the doctor's daughter to come back... Also the The Weeping angels are one of the best monsters they've recently made. They should make some more good ones though, using the daleks over and over is tiresome. Also whats with all these cracks in time and space?
problem i have with people saying that it his mother is were the connection to wilfred mott.
the dr said only a very strong connection made before the time wars could pass thu the time barrier. with the master it was the drums/heart beats. planted in his mind by the most powerfull time lord. so for wilfred to be able to see and talk to the women thu the time barrier, there must be a really really strong connection between them. and as far as i see there only one person who wilfred and the dr has in common who has/had the power of a timelord

Yeeeeaaahhh! I love this kind of discussion about Doctor Who (better than 47 posts of "I liked it" or "I didn't")!

I couldn't agree with you more Btone. I think it's Donna too, she didn't really get a decent farewell at the end of the Tennant era so I do think it's her. Plus when Wilfred asked Tennant about the woman in white he looked right at Donna. but never said anything. Also, Rose came from another dimension and explained that Donna was the most important being in all of space and time and that all time lines merge on her for some reason. Rose even said that it was nothing to do with the bug on her back, so dispel that tie.

I really hope they answer this question, saying that it was an RTD story and it won't carry on is a little like saying the Daleks or Cybermen won't ever return.
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