Doctor Who

Time will tell which of us is right, I feel fairly confident for my own reasons that its not his mother, either way it won't be long before its revealed and then we can come back to the thread and say told you so :)

ofcourse, like i said its upto each to think what they want, which is basicly what RTD said. but the big hints that the character had a moment of sadness with the doctor and that the script and actor and news were told it was his mother is a fairly obvious hint at it being his mother.

also like i said, Moffat wont be bringing any of the stories from the RTD era back to doctor who, so it really wont matter anyways, so as far as im concerned its his mother. everything pointed at that. and that era is sealed.

you cant nit pick between era's because they dont align, its said the doctor doesnt have a broother yet he talked about a brother in the RTD series.

in the latest and previous incarnations he spoke of not having a mother, yet its been brought up before. you cant expect full continuity but for the RTD story, that was most certainly either his Mother or Romana for me.

edit* also the conenction between wilfred and the mother is that there was a slight hint that wilfred might be his dad in some incarnation somewhat like the old master who sealed his truth in the watch. when the doctor turned around toi wilfred and had the moment on the ship in the first part of 'The End of TIme' was very father son, im sure he even said something along them lines. that would be the connection for me.
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ofcourse, like i said its upto each to think what they want, which is basicly what RTD said. but the big hints that the character had a moment of sadness with the doctor and that the script and actor and news were told it was his mother is a fairly obvious hint at it being his mother.

also like i said, Moffat wont be bringing any of the stories from the RTD era back to doctor who, so it really wont matter anyways, so as far as im concerned its his mother. everything pointed at that. and that era is sealed.

you cant nit pick between era's because they dont align, its said the doctor doesnt have a broother yet he talked about a brother in the RTD series.

in the latest and previous incarnations he spoke of not having a mother, yet its been brought up before. you cant expect full continuity but for the RTD story, that was most certainly either his Mother or Romana for me.

See I cant think what I want, because if its shown that she isnt his mother (and I am fairly sure it will be shown that she isnt) then I cant really consider her to be his mother now can I :)

Era or no era, if it turns out that she is not his mother, then I cant really sit there and say she is because thats what I think. I have to accept the characters as they are, otherwise I might as well have Sarah Jane as his wife and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart as his brother :D
I just had a thought...

How do you reckon the Doctor will "destroy the Angels? I'm thinking maybe block them in the cavern and essentially be done with it as at the moment we have no way of killing them...
I just had a thought...

How do you reckon the Doctor will "destroy the Angels? I'm thinking maybe block them in the cavern and essentially be done with it as at the moment we have no way of killing them...

Well it's a mass rebirth, they seem to be awakening an army using the crashed reactor radiation.
I want to see the doctor's daughter to come back... Also the The Weeping angels are one of the best monsters they've recently made. They should make some more good ones though, using the daleks over and over is tiresome. Also whats with all these cracks in time and space?

Agree, weeping angels are the best, and last weeks episode managed to redeem the series for me.

I loved the first episode, but was disappointed with the next 2.
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