Does something need to be done about dogs?

To me a responsible owner would say something like this. "Whenever my dog is near another human she/he doesnt know, a child, someone vulnerable, or other dog(s) she/he will be on a lead and muzzled at all times". Instead it is usually something like this. "She/he is so gentle, wouldnt harm a fly, the problem is bad (other) owners".
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Yep, my mum has a serious fear of dogs and she's basically been terrorised out of many places where she used to love walking, by owners who don't put their dogs on leads and have zero empathy or understanding that not everyone is a "dog person", and not every feels comfortable and safe with a large animal running and jumping at them. I'm personally fine with dogs but seeing the way my mum is affected has made me develop quite a lot of resentment against dog owners.
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Yep, my mum has a serious fear of dogs and she's basically been terrorised out of many places where she used to love walking, by owners who don't put their dogs on leads and have zero empathy or understanding that not everyone is a "dog person", and not every feels comfortable and safe with a large animal running and jumping at them. I'm personally fine with dogs but seeing the way my mum is affected has made me develop quite a lot of resentment against dog owners.
I agree in general, but there should be areas available in some places where dogs can run off the lead.
The dog population of the UK has nearly doubled in the last decade or so, and you can really feel it. They're everywhere, and every "nice place for a walk" nearby/in every large city has been taken over completely.
Dogs are new kids.
I believe this is true. Not just an anecdote

I've noticed nearly every pub now allows dogs as have my dog with me most of time end up in a pub (ie after a walk)
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The dog population of the UK has nearly doubled in the last decade or so, and you can really feel it. They're everywhere, and every "nice place for a walk" nearby/in every large city has been taken over completely.
Parks are basically open air dog toilets. You can't even sit on a bench for two minutes without being accosted by someone or other's dog. "He's just being friendly!" Well i didn't come to the park to have your dog slobber all over my face or snatch my lunch out of my hands!
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I agree in general, but there should be areas available in some places where dogs can run off the lead.

If your garden isn't big enough, there are plenty of private dog fields which can be hired for a reasonable fee. "Where am I going to exercise it (off-lead if necessary)?" should be part of the decision making process before getting a dog!

No one who owns a dog, any dog, knows for certain. You can only go on personal judgement

Quite. We thought our greyhound was pretty timid and harmless until she went for one of my mum's chickens (she's never shown even a sign of wanting to chase anything before). Thankfully no harm done, but certainly a lesson learned to not trust her at all.
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The worst thing about dogs is persistent barking, as when someone is inconsiderate enough to leave their dog to bark for hours on end, you cannot escape it even in your own home.

I don't know how anyone can think it is acceptable to subject your neighbours to that.

I am fine with other domestic noise at reasonable hours, as it is actually useful or serves a purpose (DIY, gardening or hedge trimming, doing hobbies etc). Pointless and needless dog barking every day for hours (especially when it is barking from the stress of being left) is just not on though. It cuts through everything and is a stressful sound.

Absolutely awful, and probably the worst noise you can subject your neighbour to. I NEVER let my dog bark unnecessarily. However, because i have trained him right and we look after him properly, he never does so.

Personally, i think much stricter rules and bigger fines should be brought in, and it actually should be something that is dealt with swiftly by the police.
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Personally, i think much stricter rules and bigger fines should be brought in, and it actually should be something that is dealt with swiftly by the police.

Yeah, as I've been saying - I think one of the reasons we've ended up in this mess, is that nobody has been doing anything for years. No enforcement, no consequences - people have been given an inch and they're taking miles, and we've ended up where we are.

Sums up the state of many things wrong with the UK at the moment,
Yeah, as I've been saying - I think one of the reasons we've ended up in this mess, is that nobody has been doing anything for years. No enforcement, no consequences - people have been given an inch and they're taking miles, and we've ended up where we are.

Sums up the state of many things wrong with the UK at the moment,
Noise enforcement is down to councils, problem is they have been stripped to the bone.

I remember the days you could call a noise officer on his mobile and he was there like it was an emergency.
Noise enforcement is down to councils, problem is they have been stripped to the bone.

I remember the days you could call a noise officer on his mobile and he was there like it was an emergency.

Yep. Everything has got loads worse as every public service is massively stretched.

Most things are just essentially broken these days. All these services say they can do things/provide a certain service (NHS/Council etc), but when it comes to it, they just can't or don't.
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