Donald Trump

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He also just said he hadn't left the White House in months, so I wouldn't take what he says as gospel.

That was the funniest/most tragic bit about the briefing last night.
Haven't left the White House in months! Apart from the rallies and golf trips last month....
That's a pointless question to your average Trump supporter as they aren't capable of rational thought.

No, they'll just come back with a question and ask what you think, when you inform them you've already stated your opinion they'll then reply that you are just ignoring their questions as usual.
I've got to thank Gov. DeSantis for taking the lead and doing Florida's own tests(like states should have anyway)
and have the results back in 24 hours.

FL will be open again very soon.
I've got to thank Gov. DeSantis for taking the lead and doing Florida's own tests(like states should have anyway)
and have the results back in 24 hours.

FL will be open again very soon.
Erm wasn't Trump's CDC explicitly instructing states not to do their own tests not long ago? (IIRC some of the accurate early testing was being done via a loophole and at least one lab decided it was more important to do it using the methodology the rest of the world was using* and release the information than follow the rules of the CDC).

Also if you think Florida is going to be safe to open up fully soon I'm sure Trump has a statue in NY harbour to sell you.
I'll believe Florida is safe to open up again fully around the time that Disney World opens back up - they were fast to shut down (and offer full refunds) because it seems their health experts were a little more on the ball/able to get the message across to competent management** who listened as opposed to what happened with Trump's cohort of unqualified lickspittles and sycophants.

*As opposed to the early CDC approved method that turned out to be utterly worthless but had the advantage it was "made in the usa".

**Who had an idea of what a contagious disease would do that still seems to be far ahead of most of Trump's supporters (when a company that has designed it's holiday experience to make it possible to suck up your cash regardless of income level shuts down hard, you tend to know it's fairly serious).
Mind you Disney tends to think of things a little more than a few minutes/one presser away and understands that for most people the idea of "my granny died because of their lack of action" tends to mean something (unlike the republican idiots who are gladly stating that the elderly should be happy to die to keep the economy staggering along).
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Erm wasn't Trump's CDC explicitly instructing states not to do their own tests not long ago? (IIRC some of the accurate early testing was being done via a loophole and at least one lab decided it was more important to do it using the methodology the rest of the world was using* and release the information than follow the rules of the CDC).

Also if you think Florida is going to be safe to open up fully soon I'm sure Trump has a statue in NY harbour to sell you.

*As opposed to the early CDC approved method that turned out to be utterly worthless but had the advantage it was "made in the usa".

Not that I'm aware of. You got a link to that?
But finding out that a few Gov's didn't know about the CDC test centres in there state is a bit astonishing.
Let Florida open up again. It will be the Trump supporters that start mixing together again and spreading the virus amongst themselves. Darwin wins in the end.

It's going to open up with rules.
It's under control. Unlike NY\NJ who are asking our Gov how he did it ;)

And you do know that 200,000 people left CA(democrats) to come to FL because of the mess in the state(CA)?

It's just like out Gov said.
Even when we get it under control and open the state.
There will be people who are all gloom and doom.....That's you :)
It's under control. Unlike NY\NJ who are asking our Gov how he did it ;)

Interesting - can you provide a source for that?

And you do know that 200,000 people left CA(democrats) to come to FL because of the mess in the state(CA)?

Do you have a source for this number? What time period is this over, a month, a year, a decade?
I'm still waiting for anyone to back up the claim that fair discussion (of why a person supports Trump) has been attempted many times. Or even once.

Every reply has been exactly the opposite, bluntly stating that anyone who isn't utterly opposed to Trump is evil and/or insane. The level of polarisation and the normalisation of extremism and coerced conformity is disturbing.

Right now, I'm willing to say that is a valid reason for supporting Trump. I don't know if I'd do it myself, but I understand someone doing it. When the opposition is that bad, even Trump might be the less bad choice. Maybe. Perhaps. Despite him being an [Magic Bad Word censored by OcUK] who's incompetent at a key part of the job and possibly incompetent at all of it.
It's going to open up with rules.
It's under control. Unlike NY\NJ who are asking our Gov how he did it ;)

And you do know that 200,000 people left CA(democrats) to come to FL because of the mess in the state(CA)?

It's just like out Gov said.
Even when we get it under control and open the state.
There will be people who are all gloom and doom.....That's you :)

You really are a fool aren't you, that or a troll. People are concerned that opening up again early for political reasons is a very bad idea. Like people dying and the lock down going on even longer if it flairs up again concerned. But you just want to open it up to own the libs. Because opening bars, restaurants, hairdressers is a really great idea right now isn't it. Like I said Darwin at work and I fail to have much sympathy for people who put themselves in harms way under these circumstances. However innocent people will die as a result.
I'm still waiting for anyone to back up the claim that fair discussion (of why a person supports Trump) has been attempted many times. Or even once.

Every reply has been exactly the opposite, bluntly stating that anyone who isn't utterly opposed to Trump is evil and/or insane. The level of polarisation and the normalisation of extremism and coerced conformity is disturbing.

Right now, I'm willing to say that is a valid reason for supporting Trump. I don't know if I'd do it myself, but I understand someone doing it. When the opposition is that bad, even Trump might be the less bad choice. Maybe. Perhaps. Despite him being an [Magic Bad Word censored by OcUK] who's incompetent at a key part of the job and possibly incompetent at all of it.

Why not ask the resident TDF if you dont want to trawl through loads of posts?
I'm still waiting for anyone to back up the claim that fair discussion (of why a person supports Trump) has been attempted many times. Or even once.

Every reply has been exactly the opposite, bluntly stating that anyone who isn't utterly opposed to Trump is evil and/or insane. The level of polarisation and the normalisation of extremism and coerced conformity is disturbing.

Right now, I'm willing to say that is a valid reason for supporting Trump. I don't know if I'd do it myself, but I understand someone doing it. When the opposition is that bad, even Trump might be the less bad choice. Maybe. Perhaps. Despite him being an [Magic Bad Word censored by OcUK] who's incompetent at a key part of the job and possibly incompetent at all of it.

Hope that fence you're sat on hasn't got too many pointy bits or it would be getting quite uncomfortable by now. None of us know Trump personally or are privy to his top level discussions, so naturally we are dependant on mass media to report what is happening. There is a broad swathe of opinions on Trump's performance in office regarding a range of subjects - the CORVID-19 response is just one of them. Glimpses into his personality (as a draft-dodger with bone spurs, failed business enterprises, griting deals, nepotism, racism) offer a good overview of the way he thinks and acts. There is no definitive reference wiki summary for any of this - you need to develop your own opinion reading the information out there, but try not being too selective about it. By all means read/listen to Fox News, Hannity, Briebart and whatever sources. (Most) intelligent people can filter fake news effectively. Personally I'm selective about what reports I give credence to, or at least weight them appropriately in terms of likelyhood of containing a grain of truth. You don't actually need to engage one-on-one with the TDF to reach the inevitable conclusion about Trump - any more than you would need to engage with an Islamic terrorist to understand they are Bad People. It's fine if you just want to explore what makes them tick but it doesn't affect the bottom line...
Why not ask the resident TDF if you dont want to trawl through loads of posts?

Why not try to back up your own claim that is obviously the opposite of true?

Rhetorical question, obviously. You made a false claim, so of course you can't support it. So now you blame your bogeyman in an attempt to deflect. Are you Trump? That's the sort of crap he does.

There's no possibility of a discussion of any kind when anyone who isn't wholly obedient and compliant will be attacked on sight. Which, presumably, is why you're doing it. Which also makes me wonder if Trump's actually right. If people like you are so desperate to suppress dissent, maybe the dissent is right.
Hope that fence you're sat on hasn't got too many pointy bits or it would be getting quite uncomfortable by now. [..] You don't actually need to engage one-on-one with the TDF to reach the inevitable conclusion about Trump - any more than you would need to engage with an Islamic terrorist to understand they are Bad People. It's fine if you just want to explore what makes them tick but it doesn't affect the bottom line...

Thank you for proving yet another example to prove my point. It wasn't necessary given how eagerly your side is leaping to prove my point, but unlike some people I like to be able to point to examples of things I claim are happening. The more examples, the better.
It's going to open up with rules.
It's under control. Unlike NY\NJ who are asking our Gov how he did it ;)

And you do know that 200,000 people left CA(democrats) to come to FL because of the mess in the state(CA)?

It's just like out Gov said.
Even when we get it under control and open the state.
There will be people who are all gloom and doom.....That's you :)

Will you be leaving to go back then?
Why not try to back up your own claim that is obviously the opposite of true?

Rhetorical question, obviously. You made a false claim, so of course you can't support it. So now you blame your bogeyman in an attempt to deflect. Are you Trump? That's the sort of crap he does.

There's no possibility of a discussion of any kind when anyone who isn't wholly obedient and compliant will be attacked on sight. Which, presumably, is why you're doing it. Which also makes me wonder if Trump's actually right. If people like you are so desperate to suppress dissent, maybe the dissent is right.

It's you making the baseless claims though. Read through the SC thread. Plenty of discussion about Trump.
Thank you for proving yet another example to prove my point. It wasn't necessary given how eagerly your side is leaping to prove my point, but unlike some people I like to be able to point to examples of things I claim are happening. The more examples, the better.

So you think I (or someone else) is going to do your research for you? I don't think so because it's quite time consuming.
More deaths and no benefit in a study on hydroxychloroquine.

But still, try it, what do you have to lose....

You can't win. If it had worked Trump is a hero. If it doesn't Trump was just being positive, stop being so negative! And it it turns out to have raised mortality rates at all then Trump isn't a doctor so no one took it seriously anyway.
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