I'm still waiting for anyone to back up the claim that fair discussion (of why a person supports Trump) has been attempted many times. Or even once.
Every reply has been exactly the opposite, bluntly stating that anyone who isn't utterly opposed to Trump is evil and/or insane. The level of polarisation and the normalisation of extremism and coerced conformity is disturbing.
Right now, I'm willing to say that is a valid reason for supporting Trump. I don't know if I'd do it myself, but I understand someone doing it. When the opposition is that bad, even Trump might be the less bad choice. Maybe. Perhaps. Despite him being an [Magic Bad Word censored by OcUK] who's incompetent at a key part of the job and possibly incompetent at all of it.
I wasn’t going to re-enter this thread and wont post much after this. But as I am sitting here waiting for 20mins for a delivery before going back to work. What about when I spent weeks answers questions from hard core Trump supporters, I backed up all my points with evidence, links across both Trump threads. Then when I posted my valid reasonable questions towards the Trump supporters and multiple supporters just responded to me with deflection and lies back?
To give you an example. From me
“Related to above when we posted about the Bolton evidence you respond was "“LOL, a far-left anti-trump source.... silly trolls.”"
Bolton is a long established hard-core far right Republican but that was the type of response I was being given when I tried to have a reasonable fair debate about why they support Trump
My posting history show multiple attempts at reasonable fair debates and some Trump supporters main response to me was lies and deflections all the while shouting but no one wants to debate for real with me. But I did try and debate for real they were just not interested often responding to me with silly one liners and silly memes.
Its like the time I questioned why they hate immoral behavior and corruption by the left but when Trump does it or worse they are perfectly ok with it and support Trumps immoral and corrupt behavior. For example Trump cheated on his pregnant wife with multiple Porn Stars, lying about it to the public while running a fake charity where he stole vast sums of charity money which he spent on himself, his business and his family and before that he setup a fake University to steal vast sums of money of students and more.
I went as far as to post direct links to the court documents, direct links and quotes to the what the judge said, including where Trumps pleaded guilty including the court documents where Trump admits to spending the stolen charity money to settle legal obligations of his businesses and on himself and his family. I even listed the precise things Trump spent the stolen charity money on to save them reading I think it was 100+ pages of evidence direct from the court case with judge comments which I did provide at the time.
What was the response? Mostly deflection, lies, most of them wouldn’t even acknowledgment how immoral and corrupt all that was. Some like tang0 refused to even acknowledge that it happened. But they have a history of not accepting real truth when it doesn’t fit into their narrative. Just this month he lied saying “He never stole from a charity. “ despite the fact I provided the evidence to him at least 3 different times on I think it was 3 different weeks including a direct link to the court documents.
tang0 just blanks it out and keeps lying that it never happened despite the fact he was given the court case files, judgment ruling and a list of what the stolen charity money was spent on multiple times. Before anyone asks I am not going back to dig up the links to re post all my evidence for a 4th time, I am not falling for that again and have no interest in going over the case again, the facts are clear and proven multiple times now. The Trump fans has already used that trick multiple times only to blank it out every time and respond with deflection. The only reason I am posting this is you asked or examples.
So you wanted evidence look at my post history in both Trump threads. Chroniclard statement is not baseless and highly implausible claim. There are some great examples in my posting history and if you look at some of my lasts post in the other Trump thread its a perfect example of what Chroniclard is talking about. I tried to engage in real fair debate and the response from the Trump fans at that time was 100% pure deflection and one liners and proven lies.
Also please note I am not lumping all Trump fans together. But a handful of them to act like described.