Donald Trump

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So what's the / are the summary conclusion/s now from the latest round of posts?

Edit. The post on female interactions reads like an account of an old-style playboy (of the 1950's - 80's).
Somewhat to the benefit of comic relief...

I have it on good mythopoeic authority that the saving refrain at the Pearly Gates that forgives all with good grace requires only the declaration of the Fundamental Humble Honest Admission / Statement of Limitations. To wit:

"O' I guess it's true
I didn't do
Or get what I need
I didn't always want to
I couldn't always be...
I couldn't always be
The very best of me!
But I would have!
If I could have!
But I couldn't always be!"

Tis the fallacy of man to declare himself, or imagine another, to be Omnipotent.
Again, it all amounts to the same thing.
.....Some of the US legal speak can be tricky to understand. I am by no means a lawyer so please correct me if I am wrong but doesn’t page 2 under October 2019 refer to Trump reimbursing the charity money for the items he brought at auction. Those are the items he brought for himself/family.

Also further down.

“Mr. Trump’s fiduciary duty breaches included allowing his campaign to orchestrate the Fundraiser, allowing his campaign, instead of the Foundation, to direct distribution of the Funds, and using the Fundraiser and distribution of the Funds to further Mr. Trump’s political campaign.” Doesn’t that mean he used charity money to further his political campaign?
Some people would consider it the same thing, yes. Outside of the strict legal and dictionary definition of the word i would, but that's not what was being discussed, it was if legally and/or semantically he "stole" money from a charity and he simply didn't, that's not to say what he did was'nt dodgy as hell though, it's why he was found guilty of breaking fiduciary rules after all, rules put in place to make it harder for people to abuse charitable foundations.

Personally i think the fact that he was found guilty of having broken fiduciary rules is almost as bad as if he had stolen the money, it shows he had massive conflict of interests and was willing to exploit those for his own gain, it shows he's not going to 'drain the swamp' and root out corruption because he's literally been found guilty of dishonest or fraudulent conduct (and IIRC it's not the first time either), and it also shows that all those calls for him to publish his tax returns are more valid then ever because he can't be trusted not to exploit any conflicts of interest for his own gain.

I can't remember when he supposedly stepped back from his business interest and passed them over to his sons but if it was before this happened it just goes to show how useless that was and how he's still perfectly willing and capable of using one interest (such as running for or being POTUS) for advantage in other (like his businesses).
I post a literal video of Joe Biden being creepy and I get quotations from women who may or may not have been paid to say something, okay then
I post a literal video of Joe Biden being creepy and I get quotations from women who may or may not have been paid to say something, okay then

No one is arguing Biden isn't touchy feely are they? He has been doing it for years. None of the videos I've seen of him doing it come close to sexual assault though. Inappropriate in this day and age, yeah very possibly, especially as what one person has no problem with another will find inappropriate. If you can find a video of him grabbing women by the ***** or bragging how he sexually assaults women then let's talk.
I couldn't give a ****, I'm not saying Trump is perfect, but people here have spent 4 years attacking him and now they'll be supporting Uncle Joe who's arguably worse

Arguably he is better, much better. Having watched your video I cant see much wrong either. I would assume there are worse examples out there.
You are quite happy to ignore the countless misdemeanours of Trump but froth over Biden. Why?

It may be unkind to say because Biden is Mr Nice Guy and we live in times of unprecedented danger that may require an unorthodox bureaucratic response more within the range of someone who is a bit fearless, wild, suitably unpredictable, less-easily foreign ruled, determined to win, with experience of leadership and capable of demanding (and preferably getting) results?

Do circumstances change leadership cases?
There has not been one official POTUS account twitter message posted here. All have been from Trump's personal account.
Yes there has. It maybe his personal account but he posts official info and regularly tweets about presidential things.


The official Whitehouse account regularly retweets what he posts there as does this account
So yes. Every tweet from Trump has been official.even his whingy tantrum posts.
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