Donald Trump

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You've been given evidence and you're choosing to ignore it [..]

That is an untrue statement, so I see no reason to even read the rest of your post.

The closest anyone has got to providing any evidence is to tell me to search all of their posts over two threads of ~50,000 posts.
That is an untrue statement, so I see no reason to even read the rest of your post.

The closest anyone has got to providing any evidence is to tell me to search all of their posts over two threads of ~50,000 posts.

Well **** off and search then. Sick of you continually posting this same rubbish like you are owed an explanation by everyone. Nobody really cares WTF you think - just like nobody cares what I think or anyone else for that matter.
Well **** off and search then. Sick of you continually posting this same rubbish like you are owed an explanation by everyone. Nobody really cares WTF you think - just like nobody cares what I think or anyone else for that matter.

This couldn't be more true. Zero time given to what posters may think on here. It's a tech forum ffs.
That is an untrue statement, so I see no reason to even read the rest of your post.

The closest anyone has got to providing any evidence is to tell me to search all of their posts over two threads of ~50,000 posts.
As you decided to use contextomy allow me to provide the context that you remove.
[...] so proving the claim that you're attempting to refute, this started out with you saying that you were "still waiting for anyone to back up the claim that fair discussion (of why a person supports Trump) has been attempted many times. Or even once." mainly because people were dismissive of people who supported Trump, yes?

I presented you with evidence, and before you say it putting forward a reasoned and logical argument based on statistical evidences is in-itself evidence, and you've done what started all this, you've made it impossible to have a discussion because you will not allow a discussion and don't want one, you've essentially proven the claim that 'the other side' dismisses evidence without rhyme or reason and you've proven that the 'the other side' prefers to put anecdotal evidence above empirical.
As you can see it's not untrue, it's that you decided to remove the following words that gave what you quoted meaning. It's rather funny actually as by doing so you're proving the point that you're trying to refute, that there's little point in trying to discuss things with 'the other side' as they just responded with deflection and lies, can you seriously not see that the very fact that I'm having this discussion with you and that you're refusing to engage in a "fair discussion" is disproving your assertion and proving mine.
I like how wordy some people get in their arguments on here. It's like "I might not have much logic in my defence but I'll be damned if I don't make my argument as waffley and long-winded as possible to discourage a come-back"
You really do have a ****** up idea of how women should be treated. I hope you don't have any daughters and if you do I'd hope you would have a problem with a man just sticking his tongue down her throat or grabbing her ******.

Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Bush: "Whatever you want."

Trump: "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

Except they don't all just let him do they. That is why there are accusations of sexual assault, it is sexual assault to just stick your tongue in a persons mouth without their consent and grabbing anyones genitals is also sexual assault.

I reckon if you're a young pretty girl getting into a car with a 50 year old billionaire, it's quite obvious why you're there. If I had a daughter I would tell them to avoid that situation if that's not what they want. Guess what though, the vast majority were quite happy to spend time with him and let him do whatever he wanted to, check out Dan Bilzerians instagram, it's pretty much standard behaviour from these types of women. Then they claim sexual harassment years later hoping for a bit of hush money and dudes like you lap it up, like are you actually that naive?
Is the US system not completely broken?

Look at who the public had to chose from last year, now look at who they can choose from this year.

The whole thing needs chucking out and starting again.
Ah, they were asking for it.

What I'm saying is that they actually didn't mind at the time and no crime was committed. Why do you think they were there? He didn't abduct them off the street. Girls are pretty smart, attractive women don't accidentally spend time alone with men they don't want to.
What I'm saying is that they actually didn't mind at the time and no crime was committed. Why do you think they were there? He didn't abduct them off the street. Girls are pretty smart, attractive women don't accidentally spend time alone with men they don't want to.

Incredible your justify sexual assault with "yeah they love it why else would they be there" Thing is Trump would do it anywhere. You could just be in a lift with him and he'd do it. Does being in a lift with someone mean you can grab their *****? I have to say I never knew that.
You are almost as bad as these people as you excuse. People like you are why Weinstein was able to get away with it for as long as he did. I bet you think a percentage of his victims had it coming for putting themselves in a situation where it could happen.
So what are we expecting from him tonight if and when he does another one of his disastrous and embarrassing briefings??

I look forward to him playing an imaginary accordion, it’s about the only fascinating thing I find about him. His tiny mouth and tiny hands not quite in sync :p
Thing is Trump would do it anywhere. You could just be in a lift with him and he'd do it. Does being in a lift with someone mean you can grab their *****? I have to say I never knew that.

I'm confused, were you actually there or are you just making things up as if they're a fact? Like you've just made up this scenario in your head and then decided he shouldn't have done that.
Who is the guy talking right now about the virus? Finally someone who seems to know what they are talking about, and with conviction (assumign all true) - a lot of claims about how the virus lives and dies - very interesting.

Holy **** - did Trump just say whether it would be possible to inject someone with disinfectant to clean the lungs???!!!
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