Donald Trump

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Wow the way Trump Propaganda Network is changing its message. 6 weeks ago Tucker is begging Trump to lock it down. Now its fine open it up and it was never a danger in the first place. If it was just him changing his mind, fair enough but this is all about Trump's re-election campaign.
Bunch of *****, the lot of them :mad:

This sums it up quite well!
It's funny isn't it, Diamond & Silk (rightfully) lost their Fox gig for spreading misinformation yet Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, etc etc can keep spewing whatever bile they want.

People are back to comparing it to flu, saying that flu deaths are down on last year too like it's some big conspiracy theory. I wonder what could have caused flu deaths to be down this flu season...
Another Rudy conspiracy theory... immediately ended...

LOL how the hell has he fallen this far from the man he was after 9/11?? He is a joke outside of Trump circles and they probably laugh at him behind his back too.

What a joke of a man now. Very definition of a Trump puppet. What little creditability he had before is gone flush down the toilet along with his reputation.
This guy's videos are on point:

What a shocker that in briefings in January, February and March, White House staff and Trump were told repeatedly that COVID-19 was a threat to the US and they were ignored each time. It isn't shocking to hear that Trump doesn't attend these briefings but instead likes to be told the content of the meetings, and even then he only wants this a few times per week, not everyday, and has little to no patience for them anyway. So there you go. That's a man that cares about people right there!
So that will be zero families then. You can always tell he's lying as he has to go back and add a little details to the lie as he's going to make to try and make it sound more convincing in his mind. It's such a tell for him though.
Obviously he doesn't call families as he doesn't get empathy and trying to fake it is obviously not something he enjoys.

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This guy's videos are on point:

What a shocker that in briefings in January, February and March, White House staff and Trump were told repeatedly that COVID-19 was a threat to the US and they were ignored each time. It isn't shocking to hear that Trump doesn't attend these briefings but instead likes to be told the content of the meetings, and even then he only wants this a few times per week, not everyday, and has little to no patience for them anyway. So there you go. That's a man that cares about people right there!

He doesn't have the intellect for these comprehensive briefings. His mind will wander after a few minutes as it all goes over his head. America elected a below average intellect for the most important job in the country. Congrats USA!
This guy's videos are on point:

What a shocker that in briefings in January, February and March, White House staff and Trump were told repeatedly that COVID-19 was a threat to the US and they were ignored each time. It isn't shocking to hear that Trump doesn't attend these briefings but instead likes to be told the content of the meetings, and even then he only wants this a few times per week, not everyday, and has little to no patience for them anyway. So there you go. That's a man that cares about people right there!

On January 21st, Fauci said the virus was 'No Worry' for Americans

On January 29th, Trump closed all travel from China.

On February 29th, Fauci said it wasn't a problem

On March 9th he said go on cruise ships


The media was attacking Trump for shutting down travel from China, Biden called him xeonphobic, now they're saying he should have done it sooner

In January, WHO claimed that there was no evidence of human to human transmission, when there was clear evidence there was

What the hell was Trump supposed to do with all these experts saying it wasn't a problem. Shut down the country in January when there wasn't a single reported case? And why is Trump taking the blame for a worldwide pandemic, it's so stupid
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All this warning apparently, and the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases was telling people to go on cruises in March?


Death's per capita: 8 out of the top 10 countries are in the EU and the USA isn't even in the top ten. The cases are high as they're testing a lot more than any other country

But it's all Trump's fault REEEEEEE
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No, Trump is taking the blame for America's pathetic response to a worldwide pandemic - one there was plenty of warning about.

In recessions and downturns, something like an extra 7000 people die for every 1 million unemployed.
What are the unemployment numbers in USA? 25 million? So thats 175k people will die or have died due to shutting down the economy.
58k have died due to the virus.
So...its obviously not as simple as "shut down the economy asap"
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In recessions and downturns, something like an extra 7000 people die for every 1 million unemployed.
What are the unemployment numbers in USA? 25 million? So thats 175k people will die or have died due to shutting down the economy.
58k have died due to the virus.
So...its obviously not as simple as "shut down the economy asap"

If america cared about people dying from poverty related difficulties, they could do something about their welfare system. Reversing the reduction in the food bank system would be a good start.
All this warning apparently, and the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases was telling people to go on cruises in March?


Death's per capita: 8 out of the top 10 countries are in the EU and the USA isn't even in the top ten. The cases are high as they're testing a lot more than any other country

But it's all Trump's fault REEEEEEE

The buck stops with Trump I'm afraid. He's in charge. He's missed the briefings. He's ignored the warnings. He's taking full credit for everything (one thing only actually) that he touts as the cure-all solution which was shutting down travel from China (which has been proven time and time again to have barely been a ban as it still let 40000+ people into the country so stop pushing that as an amazing fix) so he should take full blame for what wasn't done. You don't get to hide away from your mistakes when you're at the top. He's responsible for everything that happens because it's his job to know what's going on. He holds the lives of those lost in his hands and he's let them down.

As for Dr Fauci, was he part of the pandemic response team that was formed by Obama, and that walked the White House through pandemic response during Trump's administration before they were all fired by Trump because he felt that a pandemic response team was unnecessary? No, I don't think he was.

Trump is responsible for those around him. He hired the advisors, he fired a team of experts that had been specifically formed to respond to pandemics, but he's been so hell-bent on undoing everything that his predecessor setup and created that he's now shot himself in the foot.

So yes. Trump is to blame. Stop trying to defend his woefully inadequate response to the virus. He's the one that was saying for months that it wouldn't be an issue, they had it under control. He was saying it would just go away. That they'd have a miracle cure within weeks. That they'd have barely any deaths. Well, he was wrong. Very, very wrong and it's pretty obvious that he totally ignores his advisors and what they have to say given the rubbish he spouts in his briefings. But apparently having "the world's best economy" fixes a global pandemic for everyone.
I'd also hasten to add that nobody is exonerating those others that you've posting for saying what they've said about the pandemic. They got it wrong too. But they're not the one's playing everything down, going back on what they've said with lies, and promoting themselves on live television everyday. There's only one person doing that and he's the one with the ultimate control and power. Doesn't that concern you?

He's literally on a video saying he'd have to check what was discussed about the pandemic in briefings from earlier this year that he should have attended because he doesn't know. That's shocking.
In recessions and downturns, something like an extra 7000 people die for every 1 million unemployed.
What are the unemployment numbers in USA? 25 million? So thats 175k people will die or have died due to shutting down the economy.
58k have died due to the virus.
So...its obviously not as simple as "shut down the economy asap"

There's a glaringly obvious missing data point in this argument. See if you can find it.
What the hell was Trump supposed to do with all these experts saying it wasn't a problem. Shut down the country in January when there wasn't a single reported case? And why is Trump taking the blame for a worldwide pandemic, it's so stupid
In 2018 Trump fired the pandemic response team and dissolved the anti-pandemic structures in place. He was warned and didn’t replace them leaving the US unprepared.

When it was found out the US medial stocks where empty after shipping stocks to China Trump went golfing then blamed Obama for them not being restocked. What is Obama meant to do, he left over 3 years ago? Trump is reasonable and had ample time to sort out the problem but was golfing instead of working.

Then when there was a test kit shortage Trump blamed Obama again despite it being Trump that was out golfing yet again and is in charge. Plus it was Trump that dissolved the anti-pandemic structures not Obama.

The daily briefings are meant to reassure the population and give out useful essential information. Instead Trump spends most of the time attacking people, giving out bad advice that is making the situation worse and running the virus briefing like a political rally instead of doing what all the other good leaders are doing.

Trump said “Leadership: Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen, your’re responsible. “

Trump is to blame; he is 100% responsible for the situation being as bad as it is. If he bothered to work full time instead of golfing or starting work at noon after watching TV all morning. Or was semi competent then the deaths wouldn’t be as bad and the job losses and destroyed economy wouldn’t be anywhere near as bad as it is now

Trump has just done more harm to the economy and harm to Jobs then Hillary could have done on her worse day and that’s saying something. Trump had ample time to see how bad the Virus was with China, Italy and EU but he did practically nothing making the situation worse then it needed to be. Even now he is handling the entire situation wrong hurting the the US more then he needs to.

EDIT: Its as clear as day Trump made major mistakes and following his normal pattern he blames everyone else instead of taking ownership or trying to fix the problem.
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America certainly isn't alone in it's slow response to this pandemic when it first emerged. More Countries should have been doing more prep when it started looking like something that could be serious at the turn of the year. Having the team responsible for managing such things disbanded was ridiculous in hindsight (and fairly stupid not).
The difference is that Trump was still downplaying how severe this thing could be when other Countries really started to realise what was going on. Especially when we saw what was happening in Northern Italy.

Trump clings on to his China travel ban like he'd made some huge, bold sweeping action. It was too late, the virus was already in the US and coming in more readily from Europe. That's why it was seen as a nothing move. It literally did nothing to affect the virus spread.

The fact you've got moron maga supporters out protesting this as a fake virus no worse than the common flu just goes to show how much of a mangled response the Trump administration has given. The VP went into a hospital and didn't wear a mask while meeting people yesterday!!! Really?!

Yeah, compared to the crackpot in Brazil he's done an average job but it's indefensible coming from the supposed worlds most advanced superpower. He's completely and utterly out of his depth and it's causing more people to die than should have. Simple as that.

On January 21st, Fauci said the virus was 'No Worry' for Americans
That's not what he said, he said...
It’s a very, very low risk to the United States, But it’s something that we as public health officials need to take very seriously... It isn’t something the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about. Because we have ways of preparing and screening of people coming in [from China]. And we have ways of responding - like we did with this one case in Seattle, Washington, who had traveled to China and brought back the infection.

We’ve just got to make sure that we are totally prepared [since] infectious diseases will continue to emerge on the human species. And we’ve got to be essentially perpetually prepared.
As you can see he clearly said it's not something the American public should be worried about but is something public health officials need to take very seriously, and he'd be right in what he said because as he clearly points out infectious diseases will continue to emerge on the human species so worrying about something beyond your control (such as for people not responsible for health care) is pointless whereas if you have control (such as health care professionals and the organizational structures of governance) it's something to take seriously.

On January 29th, Trump closed all travel from China.

On February 29th, Fauci said it wasn't a problem
No he didn't, he basically paraphrased what i quoted above with the additional proviso of saying the American public don't need to change how they go about their lives right now but that may change if it starts to spread, is it that you're trying to read between the lines or only hearing what you want to hear because you seem to be coming away from the links you provided with a very different interpretation than i did.
Again that's not what he said, you are reading these links that you're providing, right? He said, and i quote...
If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship. But the fact is that if you have…an individual who has an underlying condition, particularly an elderly person who has an underlying condition, I would recommend strongly that they do not go on a cruise ship.

Elderly with underlying conditions, heart disease, chronic lung disease, diabetes (should) not wait, but right now, to sort of take look at things that are at high risk, crowded places, getting on airplanes, and absolutely don’t get on a cruise ship.
And that was at a time when the majority of health professionals considered a healthy young person to be at almost zero risk, something that later changed when a small number of healthy young people died from it, he also went on to make it clear that there are risks for anyone with underlying health conditions, and that link you provided just goes to show how confused the messaging has been from government bodies.

We had Fauci, and Vice President Mike Pence mind you, saying the elderly and those with underlying health conditions should avoid cruises, then hours later we had the the U.S. State Department seemingly calling for widescale avoidance of cruise vacations, saying, “U.S. citizens, particularly travelers with underlying health conditions, should not travel by cruise ship.

And what's most comical about that link you posted it it contains this quote from a spokesperson from industry trade group CLIA that said...
Any action to restrict cruising is unwarranted, and at odds with the World Health Organization which ‘continues to advise against the application of travel or trade restrictions to countries experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks.
So on the one hand we have an industry trade group meeting with the VP to put the case against the application of travel or trade restrictions to countries experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and the government partially agreeing with them, and on the other we have the government putting travel or trade restrictions on countries experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks, so what one is it? Where is the consistency?

Should we have banned travel or not in your opinion?
The media was attacking Trump for shutting down travel from China, Biden called him xeonphobic, now they're saying he should have done it sooner

In January, WHO claimed that there was no evidence of human to human transmission, when there was clear evidence there was

What the hell was Trump supposed to do with all these experts saying it wasn't a problem. Shut down the country in January when there wasn't a single reported case? And why is Trump taking the blame for a worldwide pandemic, it's so stupid
Perhaps take a more nuanced approach like other countries instead of going about it like a bull in a china shop (no pun intended).

And no, the W.H.O did not claim there was no evidence of human to human transmission, they said...
Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China
Is it that you just didn't read the bit where they said "Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities", i mean it would be pretty hard to miss that as you posted the blooming link yourself.
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