Donald Trump

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So Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden was asked if he would release all records to prove there is nothing about Tara Reade in his records which were (conveniently) sealed a few weeks ago and he doesn't want to release them because with him running for president, he doesn't think that the electorate should be allowed to see his records as a long term career politician?!?

So the leftists who have now in Biden's case abandoned their "believe her" and "guilty until proven innocent" mantra set in previous cases such as Brett Kavanaugh, now must also assume that Joe Biden has something to hide because well, when Trump refused to release his tax returns they frothed about it meaning he had something to hide in his taxes, or are they going to have double standards in that too?
So Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden was asked if he would release all records to prove there is nothing about Tara Reade in his records which were (conveniently) sealed a few weeks ago and he doesn't want to release them because with him running for president, he doesn't think that the electorate should be allowed to see his records as a long term career politician?!?

So the leftists who have now in Biden's case abandoned their "believe her" and "guilty until proven innocent" mantra set in previous cases such as Brett Kavanaugh, now must also assume that Joe Biden has something to hide because well, when Trump refused to release his tax returns they frothed about it meaning he had something to hide in his taxes, or are they going to have double standards in that too?
Let them both release them and see who has the most to hide.
So Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden was asked if he would release all records to prove there is nothing about Tara Reade in his records which were (conveniently) sealed a few weeks ago and he doesn't want to release them because with him running for president, he doesn't think that the electorate should be allowed to see his records as a long term career politician?!?

So the leftists who have now in Biden's case abandoned their "believe her" and "guilty until proven innocent" mantra set in previous cases such as Brett Kavanaugh, now must also assume that Joe Biden has something to hide because well, when Trump refused to release his tax returns they frothed about it meaning he had something to hide in his taxes, or are they going to have double standards in that too?

Are there many people who are saying that the Biden accusations shouldn't be looked into on here? If accusations have been made he should be investigated, that's coming from a lefty. Now, about those tax returns.....
Should have said Russian informants. Look they knew they had no basis to continue to investigate Flynn about Russia, and wanted to close the case on Jan 4, 2017. Strzok stopped them, so they had to manufacture a crime. That was to get trap him into perjury about the Kislyak call,

The "predicate" makes clear that they had no basis even to open a case on Flynn. But he worked for Trump and he visited Russia which is declared to the DIA, and has "links" to Russians?

Just watch Flynn's lawyer talk about how he was setup
So the answer to the question is that you don't know what he was convicted of, i suggest you at least start with finding that out before you make an even bigger fool of yourself. (hint: It wasn't to do with Russia)
The handwritten notes that showed whether the goal was "Truth/Admission" or "to get him to lie", were dated Jan. 24, 2017, which was the same day of Flynn's underhanded White House FBI interview
That's the goal in every blooming law enforcement interview in the world, get them to either tell the truth, admit to the crime, or make a false statement that you can prove they knowingly made.

Flynn decided the first wasn't for him (probably because he knew the truth would incriminate him), decided he didn't want to admit to committing a crime (because why would you), so decided to take a chance on the last option and the idiot got caught out, probably because the FBI did what most law enforcement officers do in an interview, they held back evidence so they would know if they were being told the truth.
So the leftists who have now in Biden's case abandoned their "believe her" and "guilty until proven innocent" mantra set in previous cases such as Brett Kavanaugh, now must also assume that Joe Biden has something to hide because well, when Trump refused to release his tax returns they frothed about it meaning he had something to hide in his taxes, or are they going to have double standards in that too?
What 'leftists' are saying that, where is this homogeneous group that you claim are saying it shouldn't be investigated?
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So Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden was asked if he would release all records to prove there is nothing about Tara Reade in his records which were (conveniently) sealed a few weeks ago and he doesn't want to release them because with him running for president, he doesn't think that the electorate should be allowed to see his records as a long term career politician?!?

So the leftists who have now in Biden's case abandoned their "believe her" and "guilty until proven innocent" mantra set in previous cases such as Brett Kavanaugh, now must also assume that Joe Biden has something to hide because well, when Trump refused to release his tax returns they frothed about it meaning he had something to hide in his taxes, or are they going to have double standards in that too?

So when is Trump going to voluntarily release his tax returns?
So they've not let Trump hold the briefing tonight, opting for the Press Secretary. Convenient, she can't "get ahead" of things that Trump has said. She's answering a question about Trump stating how he knows it was man-made in a lab in China and has said his statement is consistent with intelligence received. Except his intelligence analysts said that it wasn't.

Shes just dodging questions here. She's at least referring to some written notes but she's constantly saying she won't go into details.
A reporter has just asked her if she'll pledge to never lie at the podium, she's said she won't ever lie, and has then gone on to lie in the things she's discussing. Great!

She's also said that intelligence reports are just estimates. Yep, that's how intelligence from spies and agencies works!
So Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden was asked if he would release all records to prove there is nothing about Tara Reade in his records which were (conveniently) sealed a few weeks ago and he doesn't want to release them because with him running for president, he doesn't think that the electorate should be allowed to see his records as a long term career politician?!?

So the leftists who have now in Biden's case abandoned their "believe her" and "guilty until proven innocent" mantra set in previous cases such as Brett Kavanaugh, now must also assume that Joe Biden has something to hide because well, when Trump refused to release his tax returns they frothed about it meaning he had something to hide in his taxes, or are they going to have double standards in that too?
The only double standard I can see is from the people like you that support Creepy Quid Pro Quo Trump who promised to give us his Tax returns then did everything he could to hide them. While shouting about Biden you turn a blind eye to all those young girls Trump abused and bragged about and his daughter confirmed happened. Not to mention all the records of Trump hanging around at Epstein’s parties including more than one private party with just Trump and Epstein’s and those young girls Epstein’s sex trafficked.

Go ahead investigate Biden and open up all the records but you must do the same for Trump. Unseal all those Epstein document’s that involve Trump and got sealed. Look into the young girls Trump abused in the multiple dressing rooms overmultiple years. Don't you think that is the right thing to do?
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The only double standard I can see is from the people like you that support Creepy Quid Pro Quo Trump who promised to give us his Tax returns then did everything he could to hide them. While shouting about Biden you turn a blind eye to all those young girls Trump abused and bragged about and his daughter confirmed happened. Not to mention all the records of Trump hanging around at Epstein’s parties including more than one private party with just Trump and Epstein’s and those young girls Epstein’s sex trafficked.

Go ahead investigate Biden and open up all the records but you must do the same for Trump. Unseal all those Epstein document’s that involve Trump and got sealed. Look into the young girls Trump abused in the multiple dressing rooms overmultiple years. Don't you think that is the right thing to do?
No, because Trump is President and Biden isn’t. Oh, wait..
MAGA America. For those not remembering that phrase "Arbeit Macht Frei" is from the gates of Auschwitz, Dachau and other concentration camps. The "J B" on the sign is for J.B. Pritzker who is the jewish governor of Illinois. She said she has jewish friends. I think that will be "had" once she is identified and her name plastered all over the news and social media.

These are Trump's "good people".

MAGA America. For those not remembering that phrase "Arbeit Macht Frei" is from the gates of Auschwitz, Dachau and other concentration camps. The "J B" on the sign is for J.B. Pritzker who is the jewish governor of Illinois. She said she has jewish friends. I think that will be "had" once she is identified and her name plastered all over the news and social media.

These are Trump's "good people".

Shameful, thoughtless idiocy. Do these numpties not understand some areas are sacrosanct and should not be used to make a public statement.

Way to go drain the swamp, you dispicable piece of ****.

The White House waited until after business hours to announce the nomination of a new inspector general for the department who, if confirmed, would take over for Christi A. Grimm, the principal deputy inspector general who was publicly assailed by the president at a news briefing three weeks ago.
Couldn’t even do it during office hours. And to those apologists defending this disgrace of a President, saying she’s biased because she worked under Obama, **** you.

Ms. Grimm is not a political appointee but a career official who began working in the inspector general office late in President Bill Clinton’s administration and served under President George W. Bush as well as Mr. Obama. She took over the office in an acting capacity when the previous inspector general stepped down.
Yea but, some man or woman who isn't POTUS, it's the media's fault, the liberals made me do it, those leftists, it X happened it would be worse, the deep state, biased, fake, something, something.
Hmm I wonder why the President is tweeting out something so serious over a debunked conspiracy, maybe being the President he knows something that we don't? :confused:

Hmm I wonder why the President is tweeting out something so serious over a debunked conspiracy, maybe being the President he knows something that we don't? :confused:
Because he's a ******* moron deflecting from the 65,000 deaths on his watch.
-edit, 66,109 and counting. RIP
Hmm I wonder why the President is tweeting out something so serious over a debunked conspiracy, maybe being the President he knows something that we don't? :confused:
Or you know he is trying to hide the truth and you being so gullible believe one of the most dishonest people in history who is known to happily lie to cover up the truth.
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