Donald Trump

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"The Obama administration sent illegal immigrant children into “modern-day slavery” by turning them over to sponsors who forced them into child labor or subjected them to sexual abuse, members of Congress said Thursday as they demanded that top child protection officials explain how it could have happened."

"Worse yet, the administration acknowledged that it can’t account for each of the 90,000 children it processed and released since the surge peaked in 2014."

Another one being looked in to.
But a bit to late for the poor children that was let down by the obama admin
"The Obama administration sent illegal immigrant children into “modern-day slavery” by turning them over to sponsors who forced them into child labor or subjected them to sexual abuse, members of Congress said Thursday as they demanded that top child protection officials explain how it could have happened."

"Worse yet, the administration acknowledged that it can’t account for each of the 90,000 children it processed and released since the surge peaked in 2014."

Another one being looked in to.
But a bit to late for the poor children that was let down by the obama admin
Please go start a separate thread about Obama. You're going off topic.
I'll never understand why the likes of @deuse don't actually read the articles they post before they post them. Rather its see a tweet full of outrage and post it here only for it to be shown as inaccurate or just plain wrong. You'd think they would learn but they never do.

All this "Obamagate" and its Obama's fault is the lamest attempt at deflection yet by Trump. He has been an unmitigated disaster in the lead up to and through this pandemic and he's flailing for something to shift the story to.
This was something Facebook discovered during the 2016 election, people were sharing articles based purely on the headline and as such Facebook have made it less likely that an article appears in your feed if the person sharing it hasn't opened the link.

It looks like deuse has become an anti-Obama RSS feed.
"Mexico sends US note over ‘Fast and Furious’ Obama-era gun-running scheme"

"He cited former US Attorney General Eric Holder as saying Mexican authorities knew about the 2009-2011 scheme, which allowed people to buy arms illegally in the US and take them to Mexico, so they could be tracked to drug cartel bosses and lead law enforcement there."

Glad some one is still looking in to this.

Read the original article rather than reading the headline and first sentence to then make your argument. You just embarrass yourself otherwise. It literally says a few paragraphs down that it was a joint operation between the US and Mexico and that Mexico lied about their involvement, thus demonstrating the corruption of previous Mexican administrations.

Clearly The US At Fault :rolleyes: said:
The current Mexican government has zeroed in on the program to highlight possible corruption under previous Mexican administrations amid a debate over how much they knew about the U.S. operation.

Governments and law enforcement officials setup stings like this all the time. Why it comes as a shock to you that something like this happened is beyond me. Why anyone needs to look into it is beyond me as well. Mexico messed up, not the US. There's no coverup from the US government, only from Mexico.

Anyway, what this has to do with a thread about Trump and his failures is beyond me. You can bet that there won't be a need to pick and choose headlines and paragraphs about him soon. He'll have full articles written that highlight his ineptitude and incompetence. He oozes both by the bucketload.
"The Obama administration sent illegal immigrant children into “modern-day slavery” by turning them over to sponsors who forced them into child labor or subjected them to sexual abuse, members of Congress said Thursday as they demanded that top child protection officials explain how it could have happened."

"Worse yet, the administration acknowledged that it can’t account for each of the 90,000 children it processed and released since the surge peaked in 2014."

Another one being looked in to.
But a bit to late for the poor children that was let down by the obama admin

Yeah you're gonna need to explain how this is relevant in a Trump thread.

I suspect you've realised you're defending the indefensible and are incapable of admitting when you're wrong so are deflecting in other ways so feel free to explain how I'm wrong.
Talking about lies check this for a stunner. Kayleigh caught lying and talking nonsense again.
When asked why there wasn't enough PPE in January she replied because it's Obama' fault but then later contradicted herself that there was enough equipment because Trump replenished it because of their advanced preparation, come on which lie are you pushing, you can't have both ways. :rolleyes:

I watched that the other day. So much for her promising to "never lie", which at the time I knew was a big fat lie anyway. They really do get themselves ravelled up in their own nonsense. No wonder the defenders of Trump are so confused with the stuff that they spout. It's contagious.
If you read the old tweets from McConnell and Graham about Trump you have to wonder why they are so loyal to him, except they like the power. They hate Trumps guts, or at least used to.
"The Obama administration sent illegal immigrant children into “modern-day slavery” by turning them over to sponsors who forced them into child labor or subjected them to sexual abuse, members of Congress said Thursday as they demanded that top child protection officials explain how it could have happened."

"Worse yet, the administration acknowledged that it can’t account for each of the 90,000 children it processed and released since the surge peaked in 2014."

Another one being looked in to.
But a bit to late for the poor children that was let down by the obama admin
Another one isn't being looked into as that article is from 4 years ago.
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Thursday, January 28, 2016
EDIT: How about something a little more up to date...
The issue of HHS’s lack of accountability for unaccompanied immigrant children came to a head in May 2018 when HHS acting assistant secretary of Administration for Children and Families Steven Wagner told a Senate oversight committee that the agency could not account for 1,475 children it had placed with sponsors from October to December 2017. The furor over that story accompanied outrage over the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy, with critics raising concerns that the federal government was unnecessarily overwhelming an already-overburdened system with traumatized children.

To make matters worse, an investigation published 19 June 2018 by McClatchy revealed that the figure was only a snapshot from a three-month period and the number of children who are unaccounted for by HHS is actually nearly 6,000. The figure is likely exacerbated by an April 2018 agreement that allows background check information, including immigration status, of caregivers like parents and relatives to be shared with immigration authorities.
So basically the Trump administration has made the situation worse not better.
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I'll never understand why the likes of @deuse don't actually read the articles they post before they post them. Rather its see a tweet full of outrage and post it here only for it to be shown as inaccurate or just plain wrong. You'd think they would learn but they never do.

All this "Obamagate" and its Obama's fault is the lamest attempt at deflection yet by Trump. He has been an unmitigated disaster in the lead up to and through this pandemic and he's flailing for something to shift the story to.

If you were a person that was poor on detail, could never admit that you were wrong and found the enabling of bigotry to be attractive, which current political leader do you think you would identify with and defend?
Here is a surprise, Trump attacking the whistleblower because he didnt agree the use his "game changer" miracle drug which ended up to be a really bad and irresponsible suggestion. No more promoting this narrative when he's moved on to crazier suggestions with bleach/UV. Its the same old excuses and rubbish explanations again. Wonder what the next miracle cure will be, the one promised before year end. No doubt if it goes wrong there, it will be someone else or something else to blame.

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I wouldn't say it's exoneration as there has to be some sort of wrong doing for something to be exonerated, I suspect it's more that Barr doesn't want to set, what for Trump would be a terrifying, precedence.

It's a riff on what Trumplethinskin would be saying :p
You do remember, that this is a thread about Donald Trump don't you??

It's just you keep posting fake news about Obama.

I don't think Trump realises the waythis tweet comes across

Yes it's so corrupt that Trump got elected haha. Also Obama couldn't run again because he already served 2 terms.

Also I don't even know what he is trying to suggest with this video. He's gone off the deep end.
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What? It kind of means the opposite of that :p
Yes but as there was no wrong doing you can't absolve someone from blame, fault or wrongdoing.

If someone accused you of stealing something and you didn't you can't be absolve from blame, fault or wrongdoing because you didn't actually do anything wrong, you can't be told you're innocent and that the accuser was wrong but you can't be absolved.

Sorry I'm arguing about semantics aren't i. :( (So much for "us lot" always agreeing). ;)
Also I don't even know what he is trying to suggest with this video. He's gone off the deep end.
So let me get this right, in that video he’s calling himself a loser??
He just doesn’t have any self awareness like his supporters as well. I mean you gotta be a grade A moron to actually tweet that video in the hope it makes you look great lol
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