Other countries are not having the same problems with fuel cost the UK is ; Spain is 30p per litre cheaper than the UK is right now (my son is in madrid today). Its UK policy problem not a cartel problem.
Green tax is 5% now - stop reading the Daily Mail and blaming everything on `herp derp Greta`. The UK only has 2 working nuclear reactors as of today - that is the problem, cutting taxes for the rich and not building out for the future. Fracking? You want to wreck the limited water supply we have?
Russian Gas - no the UK doesnt use much of it - if Norway turned the taps off, we would be screwed though, from the very next day.
For heavens sake! Are we really going to go down the simply disproved argument of 'unchecked capitalism' when the simple answer as to why people in the UK pay more for petrol and diesel than people in Spain is the taxation levied on these fuels by the respective governments!
This is a long running trend (for the UK to be amongst one of the most highly taxed countries for petrol and diesel) for much longer than the last decade and through multiple governments from coalitions, Labour and the Conservatives
So much like many people on these pages you seen to not have the faintest idea of what the words you throw out mean!
'Unchecked capitalism' - what absolute nonsense
The Spanish just choose to (directly) tax their population less and consequently pay out less per capita as a result.
Some older figures but I doubt the long standing pattern has changed...
If you think cutting government taxes AND spending less (per capita) will help constrain 'unchecked capitalism' in the UK then please feel free to advocate on that basis!
It really is funny that you blame my view on 'reading the Daily Mail' when you resort to such nonsense as blaming 'unchecked capitalism' for the UK's current fuel price and give Spain as an example of somewhere doing better in this regard.
'herp derp mUh uNChecKeD cAPitaLISm....' apparently you need to stop reading so much nonsense on the internet!
The blame bit for the UK government was in quotes ' '
....maybe you should go look up what that means? (hint in means I was indicating that the UK government can't actually do that much to influence the prices we are paying for petrol, diesel, electricity and gas without causing some major issues elsewhere like for example a massive loss of tax revenue or environmental issues)
And as has previous been said it doesn't really matter that we get most of gas from Norway because we aren't the only customers for their gas and so if the worlds supply is affected elsewhere this will still affect the price we pay for gas from Norway