Doom Eternal

tbh I think if it were just the marauder on its own it would be tough but not too bad. The problem is he's always got a load of lesser demons around him which just takes your focus off him. Basically he's a pussy and needs all his little buddies with him to make him look hard.

They have to chuck in fodder so you can get pickups. ;)
Just installed this today. I am getting 50-60fps on the introduction level where it is teaching you the ropes. I have a 3700X and 2070S all updates and drivers installed. running at 1440p all settings at ultra nightmare maxed out. Based on reviews I should be getting a minimum of 80fps and around 80-120fps on average. Is this normal on this level?
Just installed this today. I am getting 50-60fps on the introduction level where it is teaching you the ropes. I have a 3700X and 2070S all updates and drivers installed. running at 1440p all settings at ultra nightmare maxed out. Based on reviews I should be getting a minimum of 80fps and around 80-120fps on average. Is this normal on this level?

No, something must be up for you to be getting that low FPS with your specs.
Just installed this today. I am getting 50-60fps on the introduction level where it is teaching you the ropes. I have a 3700X and 2070S all updates and drivers installed. running at 1440p all settings at ultra nightmare maxed out. Based on reviews I should be getting a minimum of 80fps and around 80-120fps on average. Is this normal on this level?

Something is up. I have the same CPU and card and its usually over 100, if not 144 playing on a LG 27"850 at 2560x1440.
Just found out why 1 hour in I can't see my map, HDR is borked! Looks like I will have to wait till they fix this as it looks great on an OLED TV with HDR.
I'm just guessing as HDR only became available to me after the most recent AMD GPU driver release. Hopefully other AMD users can shed light on the situation.

Whatever the case, I'm one happy S.O.B. to be able to play this game in HDR goodness with a working map! :D
It's important not to change any settings when running HDR. I found that switching between vsyncs while HDR is on washes out the image and requires a reloading of HDR in order to work properly. It also tends to introduce more issues/crash if playing around with settings too much, regardless of HDR. So, ideally, you'd know what settings you want to use and then you'd restart the game and just play. HDR works fine for me now with Vega 64 but they did **** up borderless windowed mode for me (I used to play at 1440p 120hz before, instead of 4K 60 HDR) so it's not perfect (can't play fullscreen 1440p 120hz because it changes signal back to 4K 60 /sigh/).
Not sure whats happened but ive fired up the game today and all my achievement hunting seems to of been lost which is really annoying. I played a good 2-3 hours going back through levels, and doing the slayer gates etc. I did all of them and got the special. Now when i look on the mission select, none of them are done. WTF? It seems to of saved collectables and that, but not the slayer gates. :mad:

Ive even got the achievement on steam unmaykr.
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Game gets easier as you progress oddly. Had a weird bug where the rocket launcher just completely disappeared after I had quit out and returned to play the following day. No idea how to get it back. Repeat the whole level I guess. There are a lot of annoyances with this game it seems :(
Still haven't completed this...on the last boss...hell of a ride though, one of the best games I've ever played.
Thanks for sharing that HDR vid - I actually got Doom Eternal to look perfect with its in game sliders (was just the mid whites that needed lowering i believe) but i did notice, at 4K 60fps, using their HDR introduced a micro stutter. I was still getting 90+ frames per second so it wasnt the GPU/CPU issue.

Now, I have a very high bandwitch HDMI cable, but i cant be sure if its the TV itself struggling to handle 60fps HDR 4K signal, or the game code itself doing something odd at higher resolutions.

Anyone else playing at 4K with HDR on?
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