Doom Eternal

Didn't grab me at all. I hated what they did to the game. It wasn't Doom. The combat was like doing finishing moves in Mortal Kombat every few seconds, over used glory kills. A

Also the jump and climb mechanics!

Did the same with the latest Shadow Warrior too... Got bored after an hour
I ended up getting a bit bored of it tbh, it was very much NOT like Doom 2016 which is what I was really expecting. Sadness.
Also the jump and climb mechanics!

Did the same with the latest Shadow Warrior too... Got bored after an hour

I didn't mind the jump mechanics. Just felt a little pointless, at least in the sections I played. Maybe there is more use for the jumping later on.

However, I totally agree with the wall climbing. It's Doom, not Tomb Raider.

I ended up getting a bit bored of it tbh, it was very much NOT like Doom 2016 which is what I was really expecting. Sadness.

I got bored after 90 minutes.
You don't need to as they are pretty standalone, and 2016 is a better game. If you play Eternal first it might be better in some ways as you won't find yourself lamenting how annoying it is in comparison.
Finished this the other week and whilst I did mostly enjoy the game 2016 was better overall. The jumping and wall climbing section where a little annoying but thankfully they became less refrequent as the game progressed. I've got the DLCs to start but currently playing Prodeus which tbh is a much better game and way more 'Doom' like :p
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Oooo what's Prodeus? Looks fun.
It's not related to milk that's what :p

It's absolute carnage :D

I need to finish Prodeus, it's very hard though later in the game!
I've just done the the second to last level, Enter the Chaos I think it was called playing on second hardest difficulty. Didn't realise I was so close to the end until I did a quick google just now. Definately need to replay on hardest difficulty.

Best fps released this year imo
You are much later in the game than me as I have 7.7 hours in it and only just unlocked double jump in the shop having recently got the super shotgun :D I forgot about the shop levels for ages lol.
You are much later in the game than me as I have 7.7 hours in it and only just unlocked double jump in the shop having recently got the super shotgun :D I forgot about the shop levels for ages lol.

Actually I'm not on the second to last level just yet. The level I did last was called Progenitor. I got mixed up when I saw a list of all game levels earlier :p Its the first level when you go through the Portal to the Prodean Homeworld.
Interesting how some found it a disappointment. I loved it and after playing it everything else seemed boring lol. The adrenaline, excitement and sheer thrill of the combat was so intense I was literally deflated after finishing it. Didn’t play any more games for a few months as the high was just not the same. In some respects Doom Eternal spoiled my gaming hobby for a while.
funnily enough I found I got more pumped from Prodeus than Doom Eternal, somehow Eterna;s pacing felt slow compared to what I expected. It didn't feel as fast as Quake, Unreal Tourny etc and Prodeus is just like those when the action really gets going.
I ran out of ammo for every weapon leaving only my fists at one point, needless to say I died, 5 times, yeah there is a pad to refill ammo for all weapons but I died before I got to it :D
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I finally got through to the end and did the final boss, after almost three years. The game does improve - the first two or three levels are slow but once you unlock the ballista, chaingun, double barreled shotty and some upgrades the fun really moves up a notch.

Having said that - I do still prefer Doom 2016. I still don't like the chainsaw mechanic. Grenades are a complete waste of time. Way way way too many upgrade trees for various things. And the marauder was just a complete let-down given how hard he was hyped. The gladiator and maykr fights were ok but the icon of sin was a mess, it's just a messy survival fight, trying to figure out which part is still alive whilst you're being assaulted with colours from everywhere.

I'm not sure I have any inkling to replay it or bother collecting things, which is a shame as I still drop into 2016 from time to time.

I'm wavering around a 6/10, whilst i'd consider 2016 an 8/10.

But, at least I got it done!
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