Doom Eternal

Managed to do it using the light beam jumps rather than the meathook, which is very hit and miss (mostly miss) even when aimed dead centre. Missile lockon was also very flakey.

I ran into that as well over a month ago. It was very buggy. There were times I was on the jump pad and in her face and the meathook still wouldn't lock on.
The fight has been modified/bug fixed since I did it. But as the above video shows, the whole fight is:

Shotgun to the face to stagger, quick switch combo + hammer to damage down, control adds. Repeat.

The bosses regeneration mechanic used to be so broken I almost binned off TAG2 completely.
I finally did him... Glory Killing the static demons around the outer arena helped big time! A charged Hammer is a big edge. I also shamefully, lowered the difficulty.
I finally did him... Glory Killing the static demons around the outer arena helped big time! A charged Hammer is a big edge. I also shamefully, lowered the difficulty.

What were you on again? Don't forget the game is baby steps. I remember first entering Nightmare and it was feeling so extremely spongy, plus having the right runes makes or breaks the arena you're in. What worked for one didn't another.

Everybody I've found that has played Nightmare has put stupid amounts of hours into the game. 200 - 300 hours.
What were you on again? Don't forget the game is baby steps. I remember first entering Nightmare and it was feeling so extremely spongy, plus having the right runes makes or breaks the arena you're in. What worked for one didn't another.

Everybody I've found that has played Nightmare has put stupid amounts of hours into the game. 200 - 300 hours.
The one above easiest? Finished it on easy. A mate said that a difficulty change at this point doesn't affect anything with the final boss? - not sure where he got that from though, he wasn't much help when I asked him how you beat the boss :o
I finally did him... Glory Killing the static demons around the outer arena helped big time! A charged Hammer is a big edge. I also shamefully, lowered the difficulty.

Nothing to be ashamed about. Eternal doesn't sugar coat the difficulty at all, only the most experienced and dextrous FPS players can walk in and do it on Nightmare!

The difficulty will change the boss, not the mechanics of the fight just damage modifiers and skill accuracy and all that jazz.
I am looking for a new game to play, Just finished the demo of Doom 2016.

Which 1 would people suggest to buy? Doom 2016 or Doom Eternal?
Depends what you are looking for from a game IMO - Doom Eternal is more expansive with better visuals but story wise goes way over the top and personally didn't enjoy the combat gameplay loops. Doom 2016 is a bit more serious story wise with more open ended combat in terms of how you approach it.
Talking about Doom - found a screenshot of a mod I was working on for Doom 3


Tribes style monsters v human with vehicles - sadly don't seem to have a working version of it any more.

12 FPS at 1024x768 that is how long ago it was :s

(It was pretty janky as the Maledict had no proper animations and likewise the vehicles at the point the mod was abandoned).
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Season pass or whatever it was is definitely worth it for Eternal though. Doom 2016 I loved the dark tone. All that black and glowy red. Some areas reminded me of Star Wars Sith scenes. The monsters were grittier as well.
I am looking for a new game to play, Just finished the demo of Doom 2016.

Which 1 would people suggest to buy? Doom 2016 or Doom Eternal?

Just finished Doom Eternal and completed Doom 2016 several times. I prefer Doom 2016 but so far got 40 hours out of Doom Eternal from one play through on "hurt me plenty" doing all challenges, weapon and suit upgrades plus all other collectables. Probably try the extra life mode as well as maybe a tougher difficulty.
Yeah the second one, on level 3 with the trees. I'm not as super slick and twitchy as I used to be, but still half decent, until this one - it took me at least 50 tries :o. The Arch Mages weren't too bad, providing I didn't let them summon. It was largely the possessed Maurauder after scraping through everything else that got me. And I hear it was altered after a patch, possibly being even harder before. Good fun though. I think AG Part 2 is going to be even harder after hearing about the Screamers.
Those possessed Marauders are no joke. If I remember correctly it starts two Archvilles, then three of those things that shoot up in the air with the staffs you've to headshot, then incomes two Doom Hunters then it's the possessed Marauder. But it's all the IMPs and Shotgunners with the shields that make it very irritating. At least on Nightmare. Two of the shield guys will strip you down to 5HP in seconds.

Everyone I've read said Ancient Gods part 1 was the hardest.
I think AG Part 2 is going to be even harder after hearing about the Screamers.

It is even harder....I got utterly rinsed by the final boss on AG2 on Ultra Violence and had to drop it down to Baby difficulty to beat it after I hit triple digit deaths on it.
I'd honestly considered donwloading a trainer or cheating on it as well but thought I'd try kid difficulty first and was just about ok.

Think my ageing reflexes just aren't up to the twitch style shooting anymore, the constant and rapid need to be switching weapons to fit the enemy in front of you stressed me out to the max in AG2 as they lean into that requirement massively and really push the player.
Its actually really good and I wouldn't change a thing but I just dont think I'm good enough anymore even with years and years of 'dooming' behind me.
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